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The Heart's Dark Hunger Page 6
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Page 6
“I agree. It’s one of the reason’s you and your father will help a lot.” He smiled. “I can’t wait for you to get to know Soaring Eagle. He’s sort of a mentor-father figure for me. I’m going to hate seeing him leave when Running Wolf heads toward Canada.” He shook his head, getting onto the bike. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.” She didn’t need to know about his insecurities. Right now, his flower needed to concentrate on herself.
Lilly stared at the strong man before her as he placed the helmet on his head and starting the bike. He did have a weakness, and it was this Soaring Eagle person. Swinging her leg over the bike, she wrapped her arms around him.
“Maybe ask him to stay?” Lilly asked.
He shook his head. “No, he’s committed to Kizzy and Running Wolf. I guess each of us has a soft spot for Soaring Eagle. He’s been a part of all our lives when we have needed him.”
Lilly rested her head against his back. “Then he will see where he is wanted the most, but not to worry. If this connection between us is true, you will have my father and I. Already, my father has given you his blessing, which is strange to say the least since he had never met you.”
“Even though I don’t know your father, and I don’t have a stitch of a gift, he does remind me of Soaring Eagle. I believe they will get along well when they meet.” Dark Horse pulled onto the highway heading away from her town.
Surrounded by his men on their bikes, the cool air felt good against her skin. The night stars above seemed to twinkle bright this evening. “You know maybe this is why Soaring Eagle is going with your friend Running Wolf. He sees my father beside you, helping you, us. God, I never realized how much I missed being outside. It’s so beautiful, even if it is the middle of the night.”
“Don’t fall asleep, little flower. I don’t want to have to go back and pick you up,” Dark Horse teased.
Lilly smiled. “I’m afraid there wouldn’t be much there, after everyone ran me over.”
“They better not run over my woman,” he growled, and Lilly couldn’t help but giggle.
“Are you one of those type of men who are very possessive of their women?” Lilly rubbed her cheek against his back, the smell of his leather and the fresh breeze calming her.
“Yes, and I’m also a very jealous man. Just the thought of another touching or even looking at what is mine has my blood warming,” he snarled. “I think I’ll have to wrap you up tight in a wool blanket, hidden from others.”
Lilly did laugh then. “That would itch too much. Plus, how could I share…well, crap, they’re all gone. I like fancy lingerie. I had two drawers filled, but it’s all gone now.” She sighed.
Dark Horse reached down and squeezed her leg. “I’ll buy you all new stuff, enough to last years. I’ll keep some of it hidden to give to you over the rough times, too.”
“You are totally confusing. One minute, I see the old warrior before me, and the next I see a big softy,” she teased.
“Only for you, little flower, only for you.”
For the next few hours, she and Dark Horse talked about nothing important, he telling her about the White Buffalo’s and his life, she sharing about her parents and her life. By the time he pulled up to the hotel, she was stiff from ridding on the bike.
“I think my butt fell asleep,” she mumbled, rubbing her ass and stretching when she got off.
“Come here. I’ll wake it up.” Dark Horse tapped her butt.
“Hey.” She laughed and took a step back but didn’t get far as his muscular arm brought her back against his side. He escorted her into the hotel with their guard. “How long will we be staying here?”
“Tomorrow, we’ll move closer to our destination. Already, we have a few men searching for housing for the next year while we get everything ready for what is to come.” They stepped into the elevator of the fancy hotel.
“This is a nice place, little expensive, though.”
“You deserve to be pampered for a while, and I aim to see to it.” He smiled down at her. “I have a gift for you. I don’t know what drew me to it, but I saw it in a window on my way to Texas, and it called to me. I actually got a few things in the antique store. I tried to talk the woman into coming with us, but she wouldn’t hear of it.”
Lilly patted his chest. “If what you say is true, I’m afraid a lot of people are not going to believe you. All we can do is warn them and help those who will allow us.”
The elevator door opened, and Lilly would have stumbled back if Dark Horse didn’t have a tight hold on her. There had to be over twenty big men in the hallway waiting, but one man drew her attention.
The same man who had been at her little safe house. Gray hair, skin tanned and wrinkled, he smiled, holding out his hand. “Dark Horse, she is stunning. Yes, your flower will do well beside you. Hello, Lilly. We really didn’t get a chance to talk earlier. I’m Soaring Eagle. You are safe here, little girl.” He leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek as Dark Horse and she exited the elevator.
“Thank you. Dark Horse has told me much about you, at least what time allowed. I can’t wait to get to know you. But is all this really necessary?” Lilly peered up at him.
“Sorry. I’m afraid the local tribes in the area heard about what happened and have come to offer their support. Dark Horse, I’d like you to meet Black Bull, Seeking Elk, and Raining Song. They represent the majority of the tribes in Texas and will be coordinating with you and the others to start setting up what needs to be done. Gentlemen, this is Dark Horse. He will be the one in charge if you should need anything.” Soaring Eagle aid.
Dark Horse glanced at Soaring Eagle, who laughed. “Son, they all know who you are, and their medicine man has seen you coming, so relax,” Soaring Eagle placed his hand on Dark Horse’s shoulder. “Believe in yourself, because I do. And it’s obvious they do, or they wouldn’t be here offering their help.”
Lilly slid her arm around Dark Horse and squeezed, offering him some support since already he had given her and her father some hope. He turned his dark gaze down at her and winked before reaching out and offering his hand to one of the men, Black Bull, she thought.
“Thank you all for coming tonight and your support. But it is not a good night to discuss what needs to be done. My woman needs to eat and sleep after the hell she had to endure over the last month. I would ask if you or any of your men hear anything of this sheriff…” Dark Horse glanced down at her. “Do you know his name?”
“Sheriff Craig Khan.” She shivered then rubbed her arms, but once more Dark Horse wrapped his arms around her, warming her with his body. Lilly didn’t know why, but his touch calmed her like nothing else.
One of the men, Seeking Elk glanced at her then at Dark Horse. “I’ve heard of this man, and I’m afraid many of our people have had trouble with him and his deputies. I will personally send out word to find him, or any man he’s with.”
Dark Horse nodded. “That would be appreciated, but Fuzz, the president he is mine. So, if you capture him, hold him. I’ve waited for two weeks to get hold of this man, and I’ll be damned if he escapes the plans I have for him.” Dark Horse growled. “Now, if you will excuse us, I want Lilly to soak in a hot tub while I order some food for her.”
“Not to worry. Food has been ordered, and Kizzy laid out some clothes for Lilly, knowing she would have very little.” Stephan came around the corner, winking at her. “Running Wolf would like to meet everyone in the diner below, tomorrow around noon.” Stephan smiled down at her. “He knew you would need sleep, and my niece will have to deal with her punishment tomorrow morning anyway.”
“Punishment?” She frowned. “I don’t understand.”
“I’ll explain it to you later. Come.” Dark Horse nodded to the men and walked her down the hall, with Soaring Eagle next to them.
“Explain, please,” Lilly refused to let it go. After all, the woman had come to help her.
Dark Horse stopped in front of a room and slid the
key in. “Our world is become very dangerous as you have seen, Lilly. As I’ve told you before, I will expect you to obey when I give you an order.” He smiled. “Now, I know there will be times when we butt heads, argue, but when it comes to your safety, you will listen or be spanked, and this is not an erotic spanking.”
Her face heated, and she glanced down at the floor, knowing Soaring Eagle had heard every word. Now, Lilly wish she had waited till they were alone, damn.
“Not to worry, daughter. My wife felt my hand on her backside many times. God I miss her, but I will be in her arms, soon, when my journey is done.”
Dark Horse stiffened. “You know when your journey will be done?”
Soaring Eagle laughed. “Relax, Dark Horse. You will see me again. I will see our new land before I pass. Plus, I want to see the grandchildren you two will be giving me.”
“What?” she squeaked.
“I think I saw at least three little girls and two boys. Dark Horse has this thing about seeing his woman round with his child,” Soaring Eagle teased.
She shook her head and walked past the two men, smelling delicious food. There were so many different items laid out for them. Sandwiches, steak, chicken, and even ham. Her stomach growled loudly, earning a laugh from behind her.
“Go dig in,” Dark Horse told her.
“Aren’t you going to eat?” She stared at the food not knowing where to start.
“I will after I clean up, but I’m sure Soaring Eagle will keep you company, since it’s obvious he wants to talk so much,” Dark Horse grumbled.
“Keep it up, and I’ll tell her all about the time you danced with the bull.” Soaring Eagle gave him a look her father had down pat.
“Ha, already told her that story,” Dark Horse yelled, grabbing a pair of jeans and then going into the bathroom.
“Impressive. He never talks about himself. Eat. I’ll join you for a bit, but will leave as soon as Dark Horse comes out.” Soaring Eagle grabbed a bottle of water then took a seat at the small table.
“Did Dark Horse happen to tell you about his mother?” Soaring Eagle watched her pile food on her plate.
She joined him at the table. “Only that she passed when he was small.” Lilly stuffed a piece of ham into her mouth, moaning.
“Dark Horse knows firsthand what you are going through, daughter. His mother suffered the same fate, but we didn’t get to her in time. She died in his arms. Don’t get me wrong. Dark Horses mother knew she was dying from cancer, but they took her life when she would have lived a few months more.”
“Oh my God. No, he didn’t tell me. That’s horrible,” Lilly glanced at the door where she heard the shower going.
“You have to understand, in our world, many of our women were raped, beaten, and even stolen from us. Who knows? Maybe it’s why the Great Mother has alerted us to the changes coming. We’ve suffered for over a hundred years, from the greedy men who surround us. Men like your Dark Horse have learned to build a shell around themselves. But the Great Mother knew they needed special women to stand beside them, and you are one of those women.”
Lilly shook her head. “First, I’m not Dark Horse’s woman yet, even if my father approves. Second, I’m nothing special, Soaring Eagle. Sure, I see some things, like my father, but that is nothing. Many people have a déjà thing going on. Third, what or who is the Great Mother?” She took a drink of her diet pop, waiting to hear the story.
Chapter Six
Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dark Horse listened to Soaring Eagle explain that there were many different Great Spirits in their world. East, West, North, South, heavens, Mother Earth, and, of course, of the soul. He explained even a single object like a rock or the earth we walk on has a soul and can be hurt.
Cleansed of the death that came from his hands, Dark Horse leaned against the bathroom doorframe, watching his woman soak up the knowledge of their world. He had heard Soaring Eagle inform her about his mother and had no problem with Lilly knowing. But it still hurt deep inside that this person was never found. He wouldn’t fail his Lilly; he’d find this Fuzz.
“Are you going to stand there all day, or you going to join your lovely lady?” Soaring Eagle stood, stretching. “I need to get some sleep. This old body can’t do this late crap without lots of sleep, hence one of the reasons our meeting will be this afternoon.”
“Right. You could outlast every one of us, old man,” Dark Horse grumbled and pulled Soaring Eagle into a hug. “Thank you for being there.”
“I’m not going anywhere. My wife made me promise to watch you, and I will. She always did have a soft spot for you.” Soaring Eagle squeezed his shoulders before stepping back.
“I won’t be here, but I’ll know what is going on.” Soaring Eagle gave him one of those looks that he used to give him as a child. and said, “After all I have eyes in the back of my head.”
’Dark Horse shook his head. “You have a memory like a sponge, soaking up everything. Go get some sleep, and thank you for keeping Lilly company.”
“It was my pleasure. She has a sharp mind and is beautiful. you are very lucky.” Soaring Eagle closed the door behind him.
“I can see why you are drawn to that man. He is something special. There are few men left in this world like him and my father. It’s sad, really, when you think about it,” his Lilly said.
“I agree.” He sat down with his plate of food then pointed at hers with his fork.” How is everything?”
“You know it’s awesome. Half of what I took is already gone. I knew you’d go for the steak. You seem like a beef and potatoes kind of guy.” Lilly smiled, taking another bite of her ham.
“Do you want some?”
“No, but thank you. This ham is good and hits the spot. Soaring Eagle was telling me a bit about your culture. Do you really believe everything has a spirit?”
“Yes. Tell me, have you ever talked to your plants? Lifted your head to the cool breeze in the summer, just enjoying the scent as it caresses your skin?” He cut his steak then put a small portion of it on her plate. “Eat. I know you want a bite.”
“Thank you.” She smiled. “Yes, I’ve talked to my plants and never really thought of the wind, but you are right. Even last night on the back of your bike, it was as if the wind was washing away all the negativizes that clung to me.”
“Yes, the wind does many things, spreads the seeds of plants, giving life, helps the flight of many animals and insects so they can survive. Sort of like you. You have different purposes also. You were put on this world to enhance it.”
She snorted. “I don’t know about that. I haven’t done much.”
“I disagree. Already, you have given me hope. Your father lives because of you, not to mention all the people you have helped in the ER. Earlier, you were talking about being worried about people of your town, a part of you. You are part of my circle of life, and I for one am very grateful to have you. I will remind you each and every day how important you are to me, little flower.” He put down his fork and squeezed her hand. “Now, eat up. You need some sleep.”
Lilly took a bite of food, glancing at the bed then at him. “Um, is the sofa a pullout?”
He smiled. “No, you will share my bed. But, not to worry. all I want to do is hold you. You are not ready for my loving yet, little flower.” He met her gaze. “But soon.”
Dark Horse noticed everything about his woman, when her nipples hardened, and her breathing increased. Oh, his little flower would be doing much more of that and soon, but not for the next few days. Until then, he would care for her. Helping to heal her soul, and right now, he was going to start. Stuffing a piece of steak into his mouth, Dark Horse got up and moved to the dresser where her gift was. He carefully picked up the box and returned to her side.
“I don’t know why, but this was meant to be yours. I saw it in one of the windows when we stopped in a small town,” he to
ld her.
Tears filled her eyes, as she took the box, her hands shaking. Lilly pushed her dinner aside and set it on the table in front of her, running her fingers over the edge of it.
“It’s stunning. My mom used to have a box like this. She kept everything my father had given her in it. Love letters, jewelry, and things like that. She and I would sit on her bed going through the box, and she’d tell me the stories for each item.” Tears rolled down her cheeks as Lilly peered up at him. “Maybe I can do the same thing, if what you say is true?”
Dark Horse reached over and brushed the tears away. “I think that would be a wonderful idea. But I’m afraid I’m not much on love letters.” He smiled.
She shrugged. “It will be our box.” Lilly opened the box inhaling. “Cedar. God I love the smell of it. I used to have a hope chest made of cedar.” Once more she peeked up at him. “I think I want to start a hope trunk. If what you say is going to happen.”
“I’ll make you one,” Dark Horse offered, wanting to make her smile again.
“You can do that?”
He nodded. “When my mother was killed, I was angry, hated the world. Soaring Eagle plopped me down and gave me a chunk of wood and knife. ‘Create something your mother would love,’ he told me, and I did. It took a month, but I made my first wooden statue, a wooden lily.”
Dark Horse moved to his personal belongings and took out the wrapped object. “My first gift for your box.” He turned and handed her his lily.”
Carefully, she unfolded the old wooden statue he carried around with him. She lifted the wooden flower up, her bottom lip started to shake, and her eyes watered again. “It’s the most beautiful thing and our first story together,” she whispered as she carefully wrapped it up again moving to the box, placing it in it. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to take a shower.”