The Heart's Dark Hunger Read online

Page 5

  “He got mad he couldn’t get to you and burned the house down, not caring if you were in it,” Dark Horse snarled.

  She glanced over her shoulder at Dark Horse. Where Fuzz was a bully, rapist, and a downright nasty man, this one was quiet, deadly, a true warrior.

  Lilly couldn’t help but smile. “Do you take scalps?”

  He smiled. “Actually, the white man started that tradition, but believe me I know many different old ways. This Fuzz better hope the Great Mother takes him because I won’t be so kind.” He cupped her cheek. “No one touches what is mine.”

  ’She slowly turned around to face her father. “Why are you smiling, Daddy? We don’t even know him.” She nodded to Dark Horse as she slid out his arms, knowing he had allowed her to escape.

  “Because I knew he was coming. I’ve seen you two together, princess. He is your destiny, even if you don’t want to see it right now, but he will give you the time you need.”

  “Of course. I’ve already told your daughter it will take time for her to trust me and my men, but we will get there. Have you had any contact with the local tribes here?” Dark Horse answered.

  Her father shook his head. “But I know they have a few reservations here in Texas. Your best bet would be to contact them through May-Run. He’s missing, but I have a feeling he’s hunting the Irons. I heard the president yelling about men he can’t locate. Maybe it was him. who knows. But if it was, he’ll contact you soon enough.”

  “Not to change the subject here, but how long have you been building that safe place? Why didn’t we know you’ve been updating it and such?” Lilly sat on the side of his bed.

  “Remember when they came to work on our sewer?”

  “That was years ago, and wait, wouldn’t the idiot who dug the sewer have known what you were doing?” Lilly growled, thinking of the ass who had later joined with the Irons, wrecking the town and raping young girls.

  Her father frowned. “You don’t like Jason?”

  “You’re kidding, right? He raped at least three of our teens, vandalized the general store, and stood there watching Fuzz…” Lilly’s stomach knotted, and she jumped up, moving away from her father and the men. “No, Father, he’s just as bad if not worse than them. A few men from our town seemed to snap, joining in on their destruction and rape, not caring about those they lived around for years.” She looked back at her father. “You wouldn’t recognize some of our neighbors, I’m afraid.”

  He scooted up in the bed, frowning at her. “I don’t understand. How could these men turn on our women?”

  Dark Horse frowned. “I’m afraid there are some who hide what they would love to do, but when a person like this Fuzz comes along…Well, they open a new opportunity for them to do what they have dreamed of, thinking that nothing will happen to them now. It’s sad, but I’m afraid our society has forgotten what it is to be civil to those around them. Maybe this is another reason why the Great Mother has had enough. Too much blood soaking into the Earth.”

  “Do you really believe this?” Lilly asked.

  He turned his gaze on her. “Yes. The cruelty I have seen over the years has grown to an alarming rate. Racism, hate, and depraved individuals are far too common now. It’s an everyday event in our world. We’ve become accustomed to hearing it in the news.”

  “I think most people just ignore it or turn off the source, but you are right on some aspects.” Lilly shook her head. “Even working in the ER, I see so many teenagers who think the world owes them. That they don’t have to work for anything. Take, take, take. That is all they think about. I call it the me generation. It’s all about them, nothing else, and if you get in their way watch out. Spoiled brats whose parents could care less as long as they are not in their hair.”

  A nurse, Cleo, came into the room. “I’m sorry, but visiting hours are almost up.” She turned to her. “Are you okay? We’ve all been worried about you ever since your father told us what was happening. We tried to call in the state police, but every time we did, nothing happened.” She hugged Lilly. Her colleague stepped back and stared at her, and Lilly couldn’t help but look away.

  Cleo drew in a sharp breath. “Do you need to be tested, Lilly?”

  Lilly nodded. God knew what kind of diseases she had gotten from them. “Please.”

  “Come. I’ll do it myself and make sure Dr. Morree gives you the antibiotics you’ll need just to be on the safe side,” Cleo started to pull her out of the room, but Dark Horse came up from behind her, wrapping his arm around her, stopping all movement.

  “She goes nowhere without me or her guard. The Irons are still roaming about, and they will be aiming for Lilly.” Dark Horse stared down at her. “Do you need to do this now?”

  “Yes, this shouldn’t wait. If by any chance they gave me something…” Lilly’s eyes filled with tears as she glanced away from the handsome man who held her.

  “It’s not your fault. Remember that. Now, we’ll go, but I will guard the room so no one comes in.” Dark Horse placed a kiss on the top of her head. “No one will hurt you again, Lilly.” He tried to reassure her, again, but for some strange reason Lilly had a feeling this was far from over.

  She went to her father’s bedside, leaning down hugging, him tight. “I love you, Daddy. I’ll be here to pick you up. We’ll figure out what we’re going to do next, together.”

  “I’ll be waiting for you both.” He grabbed her chin and lifted her head up till his gaze met hers. “You can trust him, Lilly. I’ve seen it. We have a long, hard road ahead of us, but we must stay strong. You now have that man to lean on, to help you. Don’t close up, little flower.” He kissed her forehead. “Now, go get your medicine and tests so you can get some good sleep.”

  She glanced back at Dark Horse standing there staring at her. Lilly swore he could see everything she was thinking. The way he watched her every move was a little intimidating, but she had always wanted a relationship like her parents’. She stood straight, patting her dad’s shoulder, remembering the way he always took care of her mom. “He’s like you, isn’t he?”

  Her father smiled. “It’s what you need. Just like your dear mother. I miss her so much. She balanced me, and I feel you will do this for your man. I’ve explained this to you, Lilly. Like your mother, you need guidance and a strong hand. There is nothing wrong with this.”

  “I’m not a child, Dad. I’m an emergency room nurse. I deal with life and death every day,” she mumbled.

  “And you handle that fine, but when it comes to your own life, that is where you need the help, no?”

  Lilly fidgeted for a moment until Dark Horse’s hands settled on her shoulders, squeezing them. “I will always be there for you, my Lilly. We must go. Your friend is waiting for us, and we have a drive back to the hotel yet.” Dark Horse patted her father’s shoulder. “We will be here as soon as the doctor gives us the word you are able to be discharged. I’m leaving two men here, and federal agents are coming in to help us, so you should be fine. My man has also spoken with hospital security.”

  “Thank you, and please take care of our flower. She’s all I have left of her mother and means the world to me.” Her father’s words brought tears to her eyes as Dark Horse guided her out of the room, following Cleo who kept glancing between her and Dark Horse.

  “Relax, Cleo. He truly did save the town, him and his friends. I’d still be there if it wasn’t for them,” Lilly told her.

  They moved through the doors to the unit she knew so well, ER. At once, her friends rushed her, hugging and crying as they all talked.

  Lilly laughed and brushed tears away. “God I missed you three. Arnina, Hayley, Kiana, I’d like to introduce my hero, Dark Horse. He and his friends saved our town and me.” She pointed behind her as her friends had surrounded her.

  He snorted and shook his head as Kizzy’s uncle moved up next to him.

  “Well, it seems like you’ll have plenty of nurses to help you.” He nudged Dark Horse
, who grunted.

  “Ladies it’s a pleasure to meet you all. I hate to rush this, but Lilly really needs to get some sleep, so if we could hurry this up so I can get her to the hotel, please?” Dark Horse placed his hand on her back.

  Dr. Morree approached them. “Don’t you think it would be wise if she stayed with one of her friends?”

  All of her friends moaned as the doctor went into protective mode.

  “Dr. Morree, I’m fine, and Dark Horse? Well…” Lilly faltered.

  “I’m going to marry Lilly. There is no safer place than next to me,” Dark Horse growled then pulled her into his side.

  Chapter Five

  “His dark eyes captured hers. The declaration that she was to marry him sent her into an anger fit, but, inside, her soul rejoiced, knowing she’d met her match.”


  “You’re going to what? I just met you three hours ago?” his woman sputtered, making him smile right before he covered her mouth with his. Tasting everything that was his flower. He nipped her bottom lip, waiting for the moment when she opened her mouth then sliding in, their tongues dancing to a hidden song in their heads. She tasted of mint, no doubt the toothpaste she had used.

  Not wanting to push too fast, when all he wanted to do was lay her out on the floor and explore every aspect of the body he’d worship for the rest of his life, Dark Horse broke away from her, allowing her to escape him. “Go, Lilly. Your friend is waiting for you. I’ll be right out here, little flower.” He turned her around and slapped her ass. Be

  Dark Horse leaned against the wall next to the door to the examining room, Stephan next to him.

  “That is one brave woman you have there. I got word from my brother. T president wasn’t the only one who raped her. She’s going to need a gentle hand.” Stephan glanced at him.

  “Are you warning me, or is this Kizzy?” he growled.

  “Both. I’ve seen firsthand what rape can do to a woman. It’s a long battle you two will have to face together.” Stephan squeezed his arm. “But I have confidence in you. I’ll call the hotel and make sure some food is ready for you when you get there. She needs a good meal, bath, and sleep right now.”

  “Thank you, Stephan, and I know the problems as well. A number of our women were attacked on the reservations, my mom for one.”

  Stephan headed for the parking lot, pulling out his phone as he went.

  Dark Horse glanced at the door. Everything in him wanted to push it open and join her, but she was still nervous around him. Plus, Cleo was bound and determined to speak with her alone, just to make sure he wasn’t forcing Lilly.

  For that alone, he’d make sure her friends were with them when they set up the safe place. The door next to him creaked open, and Lilly poked her head out. “Um, I know we don’t know each other well, but could you…”

  “Little flower, I’ll do anything I can for you.” He entered the room.

  Lilly held the paper gown closed, as she got up on the table, scooting down to the edge as the doctor came into the room. “I wanted him to come in, Dr. Morree.”

  The doctor nodded and moved to the end of the table as Lilly, held her hand out to Dark Horse. Something settled inside him as he took her hand, leaning against the table, giving her as much support as he could. Dark Horse placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I’m here, little flower. Why don’t you tell me about yourself? What is your favorite color? Do you like Mexican food? Do you like spice in your food?” He whispered, the last part in her ear, nipping it.

  She slapped his arm. “Behave.” She giggled. “My favorite color is blue, like the sky. I love Mexican, but my stomach can’t tolerate the spiciness of some of the food. Also, I love Chinese. I love to cook.”

  The doctor snorted. “She’s a baker. Half of us have gained at least five pounds on her sweets she brings in here. You’re going to feel me, now, Lilly. We’ll be done in a minute.”

  She squeezed his hand, staring up at him. Her bottom lip trembled, and tears formed in her eyes. Fire ants. He needed to find some because this Fuzz was going to suffer when he got hold of him.

  He knelt next to her. “When I was a kid, my mom had a hell of a time with me. I was twelve when I decided I needed to see if a bull would go after anything with the color red. I dressed in my red shirt and shorts and jumped into the tribe’s pasture. I swear it wasn’t even five minutes when I had two bulls coming for me, chasing me. The only reason I’m standing here is because one of the warriors who was taking care of the herd came to my rescue. Needless to say, I couldn’t sit for the next two days, Mom was so furious.”

  Her eyes got big and her lips twitched, right before she burst out laughing. “Oh my god, your poor mom,” she cried as her friend Cleo snorted.

  “It must be a boy thing because I swear my son would do that if there were bulls any around.” Cleo drew two tubes of blood.

  “Hey, I resent that.” Dr. Morree stood. “All done, Lilly. I’ll get your prescription ready, but…” He glanced at him. “For now, use protection till we know.”

  Dark Horse nodded, not wanting to embarrass his woman any more than necessary. He took a step back, but Lilly’s grip on his hand grew tighter. “I’m not going anywhere. Just going to grab your clothes for you.” He cupped her cheek, waiting for to take a breath.

  “Okay.” Lilly released his hand.

  “Lilly, why don’t you go wash up in the bathroom. By the time you get dressed, I’ll have the meds for you.” Cleo followed the doctor out of the room.

  Lilly slid off the table and into the bathroom where he placed her pants and under garments. “I’ll be right here by the door,” Dark Horse told her as she closed the door partway, leaving it cracked so she could see him.

  “So, tell me about this thing that is going to happen, that Dad was talking about. It will help keep my mind busy.” Lilly wouldn’t give up.

  Dark Horse sighed. “There are signs among our people that the dark times are coming. Already a few cities have been destroyed. It was only a matter of time before the Great Mother took back the Earth, since we are destroying it at a fast rate. Soaring Eagle, our medicine man, believes we have a few years before this happens. He, too, sees things and has told us to set up four large bases to help those around for these times. One such base will be here. You and I will be setting it up, getting ready. I have twenty men who will be staying with us. But I also want to get the other tribes in the area to help.”

  The door opened, and Lilly stepped out of the bathroom. “Why just Native Americans? Are you prejudiced against my race?” She gave him a look that had him smiling.

  “Far from it, little flower.” He reached out and pulled her into his arms. “We are taught at an early age the old ways, how to survive when everything fails. Are your people?”

  Lilly sighed and rested her forehead on his chest. “No, but do you really believe this is going to happen?”

  “It already has. Where Kizzy was living, Milan, Ohio, it’s all gone. The Mother took back that land and a few other towns have also disappeared. Even in your there have been changes, no?”

  She frowned and tilted her head to the side. “I don’t know how or why, but the ground opened up around my house before you came. It was as if someone was protecting me. Fuzz and the others couldn’t get to me. Oh, they tried, but a few of them died as the ground further separated. When you came, the ground shifted, closing the hole.”

  “I’m afraid all of your house is gone, little flower. Even the little space underground. Some of the roads coming to the town are gone. My people are moving your townsfolk to a place nearby, where Soaring Eagle says it will be safe. We have a lot of work ahead of us.”

  She furrowed her brow. “I’d like to check on a few of the locals tomorrow, especially a few older people. I haven’t been in the town for the past two weeks. I don’t know what happened to some of them.”

  “I too have to check on a girl. I caught two men trying to force themselv
es on her. I want to make sure she and her father are okay. He rubbed his cheek on the top of her head. “Her name is Emma. Pretty little thing, but so innocent.”

  Lilly stepped back. “Dark hair, small, a pug nose?”

  He nodded.

  “Oh, my God, no. They have been through so much lately. She is so trusting, Dark Horse. This is going to crush her,” His Lilly shook her head, placing her hands on his chest.

  “Sort of like you?”

  “Well, maybe a little, but she’s so young. There are a few of the teens I’d like to check on if it’s okay with you. Maybe I can help, if they know I went through what they did.”

  Dark Horse could see the wheels turning. “You, my lady, amaze me. No wonder you are a nurse. Always wanting to help others even when you are hurting. But we will do this together.” He tucked her under his arm and escorted her out of the room, where Cleo met them with pills and some paperwork.

  “Here is your medication. I need a phone number where we can reach you when the results come in.” Cleo said.

  Dark Horse pulled out the phone they had set up last week. He would thank Kizzy later for the idea. “Not too much into phones and this one is new, but here” He handed it to Lilly who scrolled through the phone before giving Cleo a number.

  After hugs, and promises to keep in touch, Dark Horse walked a quiet Lilly out of the hospital to his bike where others waited for them.

  “Dark Horse, am I going to be able to keep my job?”

  He handed her a helmet. “Until we find the other men, I’d prefer you stayed with me. Plus, I believe your talent will be used more useful helping the townspeople, and I’ll need your help setting up our camp. You know this area. Would it really bother you not to go back to the hospital?” He needed to know where her head was.

  Lilly glanced over her shoulder. “I love the people there, but I’ve been thinking of leaving the ER for a while now. After two years there, you get kind of burned out. I’ve lasted the longest, so I think a long break would be welcome.” She turned back to him. “But, you’re right. Helping my town is important. We’re all going to need to lean on each other and I’m afraid even though you and your men helped free them, they’re still going to be closed up to you from everything that has happened.”


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