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Bound by Witchcraft: Charmed by My Masters Page 9
Bound by Witchcraft: Charmed by My Masters Read online
Page 9
“I’ll have your food out as soon as possible.” Mary left in a hurry, Aimee sat and talked with Tison, while drinking the bottle of blood.
“Blair, this has to stop, look at me.” Dietrich reached over and placed his hand on top of hers.
She tried to pull back, but he held on to her. “I have to stop? First you accuse me of doing all of this, for which I still haven’t heard an apology, or for that matter a thank you for waking everyone. Then you threaten my family, while I protected yours!”
“Who did this Blair, if it wasn’t you?” Dietrich held her gaze, his eyes burned with uncertainty.
“Sabor did Daddy.” Betsy said behind them, Bethany held her in her arms. “He’s the one who bit me and made me sick.”
Dietrich released her hands and stood facing his daughter. Blair took the time to slip away from the bar and go outside. The cold air greeted her like a slap in the face, but she welcomed it, needed it. She was so tired and hurt. Moving through the parking lot, Blair spotted her small car and slid inside it.
It was so peacefully quiet, no one sick, no one wanting anything from her. She had always dreamed of flying away to England to tour the country side, but she knew that would never be possible now with her responsibilities.
Blair lowered her head onto the steering wheel, her arms covering her face as the tears came, with large sobs as everything hit her at once. Her daughter had allowed herself to be used sexually to save her, and the thought of her men only made her cry harder. “Why momma, why?”
Her car door opened and she stiffened, wiping her face with her hands. “Just go away, I’ll be in later.” She looked right into Dietrich’s gaze as he knelt down next to her.
Chapter Eight
Dietrich stared into Blair’s swollen red eyes. She was weak, sore, and hurt. He had done it all to her. He reached in and scooped her up in his arms and just held on to her. “I don’t know how we will ever be able to make this up to you, but I promise, Blair, we will. I’m so sorry baby, please forgive us.”
He shut her car door and moved back towards the mansion. Jax and Gray stood at the entrance way waiting for them. Gray nodded to the precious bundle Dietrich carried in his arms and he glanced down. Blair was sound asleep; everything had been too much for her.
“Whenever she uses too much magic, her body shuts down. She’ll sleep for a good four to five hours now,” Aimee said from where she stood behind them with Tison.
Gray and Jax turned and Gray stepped up to her. “I owe you an apology. My first thought was to protect your mom. Please come upstairs with us, we have a room you can use while you are here.”
Moving through the main hallway, the three catmen waited by the entrance to the private wing. He nodded to them. “Gentlemen as you can see, right now is not a good time.”
“She is beautiful and you are very lucky. You and your people have our support. It’s time I took the pack and brought it back under control.” Gabe sighed. “I will send word when this is done, but as far as our people are concerned, anyone who harms your wife will answer to us. Call us if you have need . Dank knows how to get ahold of us.”
“Thank you. This will take a tremendous pressure off our wife.” Gray shook Gabe’s hand.
“To the west of my property there is a camp with about twenty cabins and a lodge that no one is using. There is over four acres of woods that surround the property. You and your pack are welcome to use that, if it would make it easier for you.” Dietrich nuzzled the top of Blair’s head.
Gabe smiled. “Before we do anything, the challenge will take place. I will not bring the current alpha near this place. He was right about one thing. You wife is special, but she is yours. I’ll inform you what happens tonight.” Gabe led the rest of his pack out of the main lobby and into the sun.
“Jax, have your pack notified that the cat pack might take up residence on the west field. We don’t need any confrontations. Alert the guards.” He glanced over at Gray. “I want Sabor’s head. He is not allowed in this compound again. Gray, you know what to do to make sure he does not step near here. Can you handle it?” Dietrich grinned when Gray snorted.
“I’ve been watching and helping you for over seventy years, I think I can do the spell.” Gray and Jax left them as Aimee and Tison stepped up to him.
“Are you sure you want me here?” Aimee asked, looking at her mom. She ran her hand over her arm.
“Aimee you have proven yourself, even though you didn’t have to. You are part of my family now and I take care of what is mine. Now let’s go.” He nodded to the doorway. “Tison thank you, we’ll talk to you tonight.”
Tison glanced at Aimee, then at Dietrich before he turned and left. There was something going on between Aimee and Tison, but what he didn’t know. He’d have to find out tonight.
Dietrich moved next to Aimee as they walked through the hallways. “So tell me, how did you become entwined with Blair?”
Aimee laughed next to him and smiled up at him. “Entwined, I like that.” She sighed and glanced away. “My natural mother was a small time witch, and my father, a weak wizard. They resented and hated many stronger than they. From what I’ve been told by those who knew my parents, when I was born they both had hope I would be this strong witch. When I was two, they took me to a teacher. They wanted to know if I would be powerful or if I was a dud.” She laughed and glanced at him.
Dietrich looked at her. “Teachers can’t tell that, especially with a child so young. Matter of fact, it is thought that the true powers don’t come till after puberty.” The first hidden chamber door slid open and they stepped through. “I’m sorry, please go on.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s true, but they didn’t care. Oh, they gave me another year and took me back to the same teacher, but with the same results. That’s when they saw Mom. From what Mom told me, she was there checking out the school for Lizzie, but didn’t like it. She said the teacher wasn’t a true witch, she wasn’t born with the gifts, and that half of what she preached was lies. Anyway, my mom knew my father wanted to abandon me, so she dumped me on the first rich stoop from what I was told. That’s where Blair found me that night.
Of course Mom also found my natural parents a week later and laid into both of them, but they still didn’t want anything to do with me.”
“And by then she had already grown attached to you.” He smiled and she nodded.
“Here we go. To the right are our private quarters, to the left is the connection to the other apartments, the kitchen, dining room and grand ball room.” The door opened and Aimee stepped into the large hallway. Bethany, her husband Harold, and his daughter Betsy waited for them.
“Is she okay?” Betsy’s gaze flew to his and he smiled.
“She’s fine little girl, just wore herself out. Betsy, I’d like you to meet Aimee. She’s your older sister now.”
Betsy smiled and held out her arms to Aimee. Aimee glanced at him and he nodded. “Go on. Thank you, Harold, Bethany.” Both of them nodded and made their way out, back to their own rooms. Betsy was now in Aimee’s arms. Dietrich moved to the family room where he nodded to the door on the right.
“That room is empty; it has an ajoining bathroom for you also. Your mom’s private room is through the hallway over there. Betsy’s room is next to yours on the right. Down that hallway behind the couch, are my den, our private kitchen, another full bathroom, Jax’s office, Gray’s office, and my office.”
Aimee nodded and smiled as she put Betsy down on the sofa, fingering the tea set. “This was Blair’s moms.” Aimee glanced up at him. “Thank you for letting me stay here. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I promise I won’t get in your way.”
“Let me get your mom settled in bed and we’ll talk. By then Gray and Jax will be up here too. In the kitchen there should be three more bottlesif you need more to drink. I had them brought up.” Dietrich hadn’t wanted to say blood in front of Betsy yet. He wanted to explain things to her so she wouldn’t be scared.
bsp; He had turned to move down the hallway when he heard his daughter, and once more she surprised him. “So you drink blood? I never met a real vampire, but you’re also a witch, aren’t you?” Dietrich turned to see Aimee staring at him, with a helpless expression on her face.
“Betsy don’t wear Aimee out now. She, too, helped awaken the others and yes, she is both.” He nodded to her and moved down the hallway to the waiting room.
“Thank you for what you did” He stopped startled at Blair’s voice. She glanced up at him and yawned.
“You were awake the whole time?” Dietrich frowned and moved to her room.
“No, when we entered the family room, I awoke. I could feel Aimee’s confusion.” Blair curled up on the bed after he laid her down and covered her with the quilt.
Sitting next to her, he considered, “I think tonight we will have a quiet night. I’ll let the others have the football party while we stay up here as a family. The three of us have so much to make up to you already, and I want to get to know my wife tonight.”
“Hmm, that would be nice, but I have a feeling you will be busy.” She grabbed the other pillow and curled up. “This man Sabor, I’ve marked him, he won’t be able to shift. If the man that sent him doesn’t kill him, someone else will.”
Dietrich sighed and shook his head. “Why would you risk yourself like that? You know he won’t stop until he destroys you now. Not only that, he has a taste of your power.”
Turning onto her back, she looked up at him. “Dietrich, he already knew about me and was seeking me before this. Your daughter’s illness was only a ploy to see how powerful I was. Once I released her, they knew. It was like a beacon. Why do you think he showed up so soon? He’d been waiting.”
He got up and moved to the large window, watching the new guard replacing the last shift. “How would they know you were coming here? You even said it yourself,. No one knew. not even your family.”
“You are forgetting…” Blair grunted behind him and he turned to see her stripping out of her clothes. “Can’t sleep with them on. Anyway, Jacob knows where I am. How could he not, since we had that bond. I’m sure the people he’s working with put it together. I mean, your home is one of the most powerful, and it is well protected. They had to know who you were, and would have worked out some way in, and why not do it before I got here? That way they would know the layout of the house. Aww, much better.” She smiled and pulled the sheet over her still bruised body.
“Did Sabor ever come up here, into your personal dwelling, that you know of? Could he have gotten up here when he shifted? I mean, the man was a rat shifter, YUCK.” Dietrich smiled, as she shook.
Jax and Gray moved into the room. “I caught Sabor once snooping at the divider, but never close enough to the actual door”. Gray sat down on the side of the bed and pulled Blair’s upper body onto his lap. He brushed her hair aside and started to rub her back.
“Fredrick had a run in with him before he disappeared. He caught him snooping around your office downstairs, but that wasn’t all. When he went into the bar, he found Sabor had cornered my mother before my dad could intervene. Needless to say he shifted and disappeared before any of us could track him.”
Dietrich shook his head. “Why wasn’t I informed of any of this? From now on, if anything odd happens, and I mean anything, even if it is small, I want to know.” He moved out into the parlor. “We need to modify the grounds, it’s been a while anyway, it’s time.”
* * * *
Blair frowned and sat up as she watched Dietrich strip out of his shirt and move round the room forming a circle, only to stop and wait for Gray. Gray stood and stripped out of his shirt moving into the circle.
Jax now took Gray’s place on the bed and pulled her into his lap. He pulled the sheet off of her and nibbled her neck as he cupped her breasts. “Watch them, it’s amazing and powerful.”
Magic filled the air, sparks of colors danced around them, their words combined and danced up and out of the room. Her nipples hardened, her pussy quivered and behind her Jax’s cock stiffened as it rested against her back.
“As part of this process of the magic, every adult in the vicinity of this property will…” Jax lifted her hips and slid her down over his now pulsing cock.
Blair moaned as she brought her arms up and behind her, hooking onto his neck. Gray and Dietrich’s magic combined, and it felt as if tiny little wet tongues were licking and sucking at her skin.
Behind her Jax’s skin grew warm, wet. He moved his hips in tune with the music the magic created as it did what it was supposed to. The rooms spun, the floors groaned, walls grew bigger, and the whole house slowly changed its dimensions.
“Jax!” She released her grip as he flipped her forward and she was placed back onto the bed on her stomach as he pumped in and out of her at a pace that shook the bed.
Blair grabbed onto the sheets, raising her body, meeting his thrusts with her own. Small little mouths sucked at her nipples and clit. She something needed more when Blair glanced up to see Gray in front of her, his cock at her mouth. “Take it Blair now!” He ordered.
She licked the drop of his essence off the tip of his tongue and jumped. “Don’t play with him. He needs your mouth sucking him, now do it.” Jax snarled as he smacked her butt twice more, and she actually moaned around Gray’s cock.
Never in a million years would she have guessed spanking would have turned her on. Oh, she had heard of such things in this kind of place, but the thought never appealed to her till now. She wondered what other sensations her men would bring to her new world.
Gray held her head with both of his hands and guided her as he pulled in and out of her mouth, while Jax’s cock now swelled inside her pussy. Her eyes snapped open and Gray grinned down at her, all the while he pumped. “So Jax’s baculum has come out.”
Blair didn’t say a word as the barbed, bony probe locked on to her inside wall and sucked. She screamed around Gray’s cock, as the orgasm that surged through her shocked her with it’s power. Her body shook, sweat dripped down her breasts and face, her toes curled and her legs cramped and Gray’s warm seed poured into her mouth.
“MINE!” Jax snarled behind her and lowered over her. Fur replaced skin, as he clamped down onto her shoulder and bit. Blair screamed as Gray yanked his cock out of her mouth. “Damn it Jax, warm us when you are going to do that she almost took my cock off.” Slowly he got off the bed and that is when she noticed Dietrich against the wall, his hand on his cock, rubbing it back and forth.
“You’re not done by a long shot.” Dietrich voice was low and magic flowed out of his words, surrounding her. She sucked in her breath as another small orgasm rushed through her, while the baculum released her after Jax’s seed filled her. His fangs retracted and he licked, kissed her neck.
“Sorry Blair.” But she didn’t hear anything he said as Dietrich moved to the bed. Invisible hands lifted her and carefully tied each of her hands to a bedpost. He separated her legs and lifted them up onto his shoulders as his cock rubbed up and down her pussy lips.
“I can’t be gentle, this will be quick. I’m sorry.” Was the last thing she heard before he surged forward, his cock thicker and longer than Jax’s. Gray moved next to her on the bed on one side as Jax took the other. Both of them circled her nipples with their hands as they pulled and pinched them.
“The last time Dietrich and I shifted the properties of our home, Dietrich was a non-stop sex machine. I’m afraid for the next week, he’ll take you anywhere and anytime. Don’t wear pants Blair, be ready for him, open for him.” Gray dropped his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth.
“We’ll have to get you a butt plug too and make sure you’re stretched.” Jax lowered his head and took her other nipple into his mouth.
She said nothing, there was nothing she could say, her body was now under their control. Dietrich’s grunts, her moans filled the air, along with smell of their love making driving up her heat. Blair yanked at the ties that bound her
, but they held her tight, while their hands and Dietrich’s cock brought her to a new pinnacle she had never thought possible.
The room spun, colors once again started to sparkle around the room and her breath hitched as she dug her nails into her palms. Her orgasm slid over her like that of a silk glove, fast and smooth.
“NO!” She arched up, her leg cramped as Dietrich lowered her legs his hands at her hips pumping and spilling his seed into her. His seed hot to her already heated body. “Dietrich?” She glanced at him before the room darkened, her hands now free, but nothing mattered as Blair floated into a world she had never been before.
Ever so slowly Blair glanced around at her new surroundings, on alert. She went to cover her body in her favorite garb, but her magic was useless in this place.
“You are beautiful, just as the dreams said you would be.” A soft, whisper of a voice said behind her. Blair slowly turned to see a simply dressed woman, smaller than her in height and frame, but with the same hair and eyes as she had. “You carry the Sinclair red hair and you are the spitting image of my great grandmother.” She waved her hand and a dress similar to hers covered Blair’s body.