Masquerade Menage: Book Two of the Wicked Sisters Series Read online

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  Garth snarled, mad at himself for getting distracted. He glanced at his brother and Turck nodded. For the past seventy years, both of his fathers had been acting strange, even their mother would cringe when they walked into a room. Today they would have answers and right now with the fighting slowing, Garth worked his way through the crowd searching for his fathers.

  He grinned when he heard Marci cussing at Turck and Snaid. “Damn it, put me down. We’re not finished yet. Garth, where are you, I know this is your fault?” She yelled in the back of the stadium as things settled down.

  Frank strolled up next to him, Dana at his side. “If you’re looking for your fathers, I’m sorry, Garth, but they left with your mother earlier.”

  “That’s because they aren’t his parents.” A woman with long shinny black hair moved through the dead and imprisoned straight towards him.

  Dana stepped aside as did Frank. “And you know this how?” Frank asked on guard. Female gargoyles could be even deadlier then the males when threatened.

  She grinned up at him, then turned and watched as Maddoc and Rafe stepped up next to him. “All of you look just like your real fathers. I knew there would be no denying who you were when you were old enough. You even fight like your fathers did that fateful night they took you away from us. They thought they were just stealing the sons of the gypsy king. They didn’t realize that, you all carried the mark and that you were as they were. They had to place you with a family, but they didn’t know who.”

  Chapter Six

  Marci slowly moved up to Garth’s side and took his hand into hers. She had heard everything this woman had said, and was shocked to learn that this woman was his real mother. She knew that finding out that the folks he’d thought were his parents really weren’t had to be devastating.

  “Hello,” she said. “My name is Marci Knight. Maybe we can do this at a different time? I’m afraid we must find the others be-fore they get away.”

  The woman turned to her, and smiled. “You will make my sons a fine mate. When they were born, and we saw their markings, I knew they would mate with royal blood.” She frowned and glanced down at the ground. “It’s just too bad their fathers couldn’t be here to see them now. I’ve been waiting for this day when I could reveal their secret. Those weasels that claimed to be their fathers are nothing; it’s funny that Walter actually thought he could hide my sons among those wimps. A few more days will not hurt. My name is Emma Safire.”

  Emma reached into her blouse and pulled out a locket, un-hooked it from her neck, and handed it to Marci. “You gave your locket away. This is yours now. It has been in our family for centuries and it also has the family picture that was taken two weeks before they were stolen from us. I’ll go now.”

  Marci took the locket and opened it. Inside was a tiny picture of three men, Emma, and five little bundles in their arms. Emma was so proud holding two of the babies and Marci could see the dark mark that was on Garth’s arm in the picture.

  “Emma, my parents, I mean my foster parents, are here as well. Why don’t you stay with them?” Whitney walked up with her mom and dad, who smiled and introduced themselves Garth stood rigid until he took a deep breath and squeezed her hand.

  “Emma, Mother please stay with us, with Marci’s parents at our house. We can talk in the morning when things have settled down and all this is behind us.” Garth released her hand and pulled his mother into a hug.

  “I’m truly sorry this has happened to you, we will find them and when we do, they will pay.” He stepped back and glanced at her quickly before he turned his head, but she had seen the tears in his eyes. “I only wish we could have known our fathers.” She heard him whisper, as he moved away from her.

  Marci sat in one of the chairs and watched as her men worked at cleaning the stadium, taking the prisoners away and trying to resume some sort of control over the evening. It was still early, but she knew her mates had much on their minds.

  “Earth to Marci!” Whitney snapped her fingers in front of her face. “Come on girl, I know they’re hot, but please.”

  She laughed, turning to Whitney and Allie. “Don’t even start on me, Whitney. Do we need to remind you what you were like after a week without your men?” Marci teased, fingering the locket around her neck.

  “We do need to get this party together. I mean Garth and his brothers worked hard to prepare for this and it’s not every day our kind can walk among the humans not worrying about where they are, like it makes a difference down here anyway.” She tapped her finger on the stone seat.

  “Hmm, we need to get the people’s attention back on the party and away from all this killing.” She grinned and glanced back at her men.

  “Oh no, I don’t like that grin. What are you thinking?” Allie asked and leaned forward with Whitney to hear the plan Marci had. “Well, the men are busy cleaning up this mess, so I don’t see what harm it would do for us to liven up the party do you? We do have the extra gowns for later. It’s time we address the crowd, especially the women, since the men are working so hard. I think it’s time to give our men a treat, don’t you? And I think I found the perfect place?” She took Whitney’s hand. “You gather the women and meet us at the west tunnel, the one that is blocked off.”

  Marci and Allie slipped by the guards and made their way down to the tunnel they had explored before this mess had even started. “What do you think, Allie? Do you think it will liven up the party, the baths?” She grinned and stopped in front of the half of the statue that was dug out.

  “Can you clear the rest of the debris away from this? I think we’ll leave our first clue here for the men to find us.” Marci nodded to the Greek statue where the back of a naked man faced them. Allie smiled. As her magic danced in the air, stones crumbled and dust flew around as the statue came into view.

  “How did you know this would be here?” Allie walked around the statue, smoothing her hand over the large nude male body that caressed a naked female.

  “I used to grab all the history books I could. Well, you know, mom and dad would buy them for me. Anyway, a few of them hinted that the Greeks had ventured out to other realms, but with it taking so long to go anywhere back then, no record of it would have been found.” Marci grinned as other woman slowly inspected the new sculpture.

  “This tunnel takes us to a grand room at least a mile in length, it’s what the Roman’s called the Bath House and it’s amazing. Separate pools of heated water, waterfalls, and breath-taking views.

  There are even rooms that were once marked for orgies.” Marci watched as the women grinned and nodded.

  Demons, fae, gnomes, gargoyles, shifters, vampire females agreed and whispered it was time to turn up the heat on the party. Marci nodded to Allie, who left their calling card on the Statue and the women roared with laughter.

  The statue in question now had a pair of handcuffs, a whip, and a vibrator carefully arranged on it, and the entrance to the tunnel was now lit with candles and decorated with flowers. “Shall we go and make ready for our men, ladies?” Marci grinned as she, Whit-nee and Allie moved down the tunnel leading over five hundred women to the great room they had found.

  Marci turned to Allie and grinned. “So who were the two men that watched and covered your back tonight during the battle?”

  Allie grunted. “They are a pain in my ass, that is what they are. They want me to go back with them to their world. For some reason they believe I have family there, and those two are supposedly part of the queen’s guard here checking things out.”

  Whitney frowned at Allie, then at Marci. “You should go with them and find out Allie. No matter what happens, we’re here for you. If you need help, you know you can count on us, but family has always been important to you. If there is any chance someone is there, shouldn’t you check it out?”

  They turned to the left and headed down a set of winding stairs, the halls lit up as they made their way down to the room. They women behind them talked and giggled while Allie said nothin

  “I have to admit both men are hot. I hope you’re planning on taking advantage of them tonight? I mean it’s not every night two men fight to protect you.” Marci nudged her with her elbow and Allie grinned.

  “Oh, I will personally see that both of those two are awarded tonight, but you’re right.” She sighed as they pushed into the large door frame. Whitney gasped as lights lit up the room.

  As if in a trance the women moved into the large bathing room. Carvings decorated the walls, small falls were seen throughout the room, small side rooms were also lit with torches and she grinned at the women as they peeked in the rooms used for orgies. Wild plants grew here and there.

  They all turned and grinned. “We don’t have much time; the men are already searching for us. We need music, toys, and food.

  Please pick your places. Ladies, and let’s get ready to pamper our men.” Marci glanced at Allie and Whitney, and both of them laughed and took off in search of their own private nook.

  Marci already had found the area she wanted walking towards the far end of the room. Music flowed into the room, the smell of food drifted throughout, as well as the sultry whispers of women waiting to be claimed by their men. She smiled and ran her hand over the stone walls. Gazing at the corner she had chosen, food laid out on the tables in the back, and along the right side, a small waterfall spilled off the wall into a deep pool, with candles lit all around the enclosure.

  Allie had come through for her again; a small cabinet next to the food had an assortment of toys for their pleasure. Marci stripped out of her fighting clothes placing her weapons close by, just in case she needed them, and moved into the warm water.

  Soft waves of fresh water pouring from the waterfall caressed against her stomach and breasts as she went deeper into the pool. Marci dipped down into the water, wetting her hair and came up, wiping the water from her face.

  Maddock stood in front of her, small drops of water rolled down his chest and she glanced up to see him smiling. “So you found the bath house? What do you have in store for us, little warrior?” He wrapped his arms around her, her breasts squished up against his chest, as he bent down and took her mouth in a deep kiss.

  His cock brushed against her stomach and she moaned into his mouth. Strong hands enclosed her waist from behind as Maddock lifted his head. “I knew you would find your way here. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  He took her hand, while Snaid took the other. “I was six when I first came upon this room, but I revisited it with Allie when I was showing her around yesterday. This little spot with the waterfall was perfect. Allie laughed as I stayed under the spray of the falls for over an hour, it felt so good.” Marci gazed up into Maddock’s dark blue eyes, his long dark brown hair was pulled back and tied with a leather strip and the tattoo on the side of his left cheek lifted when he grinned down at her.

  Snaid gently placed her a few feet in front of the waterfall and trailed his fingers down her spine. “If you listen really carefully you can hear the whispers, the moans, of the other guests in the other rooms, far from this spot.” His chest pressed against her back while Maddock stepped in front of her.

  “Did you know that in ancient times Romans used many things around them, natural things. Beneath here in these tunnels buried deep within the earth there are many wonderful, natural substances.” Snaid scrapped his teeth against the back of her shoulder and ran his finger along the wall of the cavern collecting a clear sub-stance on his finger.

  “This is a natural lubricant, but it also has a very nice side effect heating the skin.” Snaid covered two fingers with the gel all the while Maddock watched as he rimmed her ass and slowly pushed his fingers into her past the tight ring.

  Maddock cupped one of her breasts and sucked her nipple into his mouth, as his other hand slid down to her mound. He cupped her pussy lips. Maddock’s large hand squeezed down on her sensitive lips and started to massage her with slow, even movements.

  Snaid kneeled down behind her and worked his fingers in and out of her ass. His warm lips kissed, then nipped her butt cheeks. “You have the most beautiful ass, so round and full, perfect to fuck.”

  “Every part of her is beautiful, and ours,” Garth stated leaning against the wall, watching his brother prepare her, which only turned her on more.

  * * *

  He had showered before coming into the old bathing rooms, Garth knew Marci was up to something when she disappeared with the woman. Turck moved around Marci grinning as Snaid nipped her ass cheek and she jumped, trying to swat him, but Maddock was there grabbing her arms and securing them above her head to the rings that swung from the cavern wall.

  Oh, these rooms were bathing rooms all right, but they were also playrooms for many individuals after the Romans, including his kind. “Any word on our so-called fathers?” Garth questioned when Turck reached his side.

  “No, it seems they took their mate and what they could carry. I have a feeling they have planned this for a while. There was no time for them to pack, let alone meet Myra. She had to have been waiting for them when things went bad.” Turck’s voice was a whisper holding back anger.

  Garth sighed and patted Turck on the back. “We’ll find them, little brother, but now let us concentrate on making this special for our Mate, shall we?”

  Turck nodded and laughed when Marci tried to snip at Rafe who emerged between her legs in front of her, scaring her. “Rafe, so help me, if you scare me like that again, I’m going to kick your ass.” She mumbled and tossed her hair back, her gaze heated.

  Snaid stood, separating her ass cheeks and slid his well-lubed cock into her ass. It was time for them to finish the claiming. Rafe stood and lifted her legs up around his waist. “You talk too much.” Rafe was always a man of action not words. He grinned and turned to see Frank and Cruse at the entrance of their private bath. Garth and Turck made their way to Frank, not disturbing Marci and his brothers.

  “Frank, Cruse you should be with Whitney, Is something wrong?”

  Frank stood over eight feet tall, his long hair pulled back, and indicated they head to the small partial brick wall that led to a enclosed room. “We need to talk for a minute.”

  Garth glanced back and smiled when he saw Snaid spanking their mate as he fucked her ass hard. Marci’s groan turned into a snarl when Maddock kneeled next to the three of them, grabbing onto her swollen clit and squeezing it. “Come Marci.”

  Turck shook his head, entering the small room ahead of him, followed by Frank and Cruse. “I wouldn’t interrupt, but tonight you and your brothers are going to have to address your people here. From what I’ve been told by the clans certain high-ranking individuals have disappeared with their families. The Vampire High Council sent word that Marci’s grandfather has been very busy and they believe a formal announcement should be made tonight. They also believe Marci’s identity should be made public. Garth, you and your brothers are the legal heirs to the throne, you know it. Marci’s grandfather was so jealous of her father’s family he made it look like her father had killed your fathers when all along it was him. What screwed him up was that when they killed your fathers, they saw the royal markings on your body, knowing they couldn’t kill you so they had to hide what they had done.” Frank punched the brick wall, his hand going right through it to the other room.

  Everyone knew of Frank’s strength and power, but seeing it always shocked him. “Frank, we knew something was wrong long ago when our mother wouldn’t even look at us when we grew older. Even Jonas and Marc acted different the last few years. It’s just too bad that Marci’s family had to die because of this and that we lost my fathers. But we move on, Frank, and we will. No one will hurt Marci again and take away her family.” He stepped up to

  Frank and placed his hand on his shoulder.

  “Whitney and Allie are her family, Frank. We will stand beside you in whatever you decide, but you are right. Tonight we will announce everything.”

  Garth snapped his mouth shut turning to t
he door. Marci stood there, her black leather pants on with her halter top. “What’s the matter, wild man? Who do we need to turn black and blue?”

  Her eyes sparkled with laughter as she grabbed his fisted hand and squeezed it, pressing her breasts against his back. “Hey Frank, Cruse. You would think Whitney would know how to keep you guys busy. I mean, after all, she did learn a few things from me.” Marci’s long nails scrapped down his chest and she nipped at his shoulder.

  “I heard that and I was trying, but that damn stupid cell phone he carries around gets a signal, even in here. It has to be magic.” Whitney moved into the room frowning at both Frank and Cruse. She stomped her foot and pointed at Frank. “I have been waiting all freaking night for you two. Dana and Theodore have danced with me, made love to me, played with me all the while the two of you have yet to touch me tonight. Do I stink or what?”

  Marci ran her hand down Garth’s chest and slipped it into his pants, wrapping her hand around his cock and squeezing. “You know you did promise me a wild night and yet all I have seen from you is heated gazes. Every one of you has claimed me, but I guess with everything that’s happened tonight, your old people need time to recoup. I have to admit I am a little disappointed, I mean after a battle, isn’t a man supposed to be overcome with testosterone or something? Here I was hoping for some serious banging, but all I get is a few spanks and a couple of great orgasms?”

  She released his cock and moved to door with Whitney next to her. “Come Whitney, I’m sure we can find some young things to keep up with us.”

  Both of them dashed out of the door before he could grab Marci or Frank could grab Whitney. A cry that pierced his soul filled the large bathing room. “Marci!” Garth flew through the door followed by Frank. Whitney was held against the wall by Jonas, a knife held at her stomach. Splattered blood covered her shirt, tears dropped into the water below them as he followed her gaze below.


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