Running in Fear: New Beginnings Jubilee Read online

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  Cade started to whimper in her arms, and Clayton stopped staring at the little boy. He sighed and held out his hands. Cade reached for him with his chubby arms. “Cecil, I will never give up what is mine, and Cade is my son. That man will not be allowed here on this new realm. I have already told this to the council, but the council does want the others here. Who are we to judge one race for a few who act without the others’ knowledge?”

  She released Cade into Clayton’s arms. “I’m sorry Clayton, I know you’re right, but the thought of one of them near me…” Cecil moved to the bed and sat down. “Are the council coming here Clayton?”

  “We have to go now.” Clayton moved to the door and glanced back at her. “One of the council members has been killed trying to come here. Remi has called all of us to his house.” Clayton handed Cade to her.

  “Rory I hate to ask this, but with some of the members there would you…”

  Rory shook his head. “There is no need to ask, not one of them will get close to her or Cade.” Rory moved behind her following her to Cade’s room. “Dress him warm tonight. Tug said it’s going to be cold.”

  Cecil nodded and put Cade into the snowsuit Lissa had gotten him, along with the small winter boots. “At least we have snowmobiles to get over there.”

  She picked up her stiff little man and laughed. “Can’t move, can you little one?” She laughed as he tried to move his arms in the heavy suit. “Here, take him Rory, while I change clothes. I can’t go there with my shirt ripped up.” Cecil handed Cade to Rory, kissing his cheek.

  “I’ll meet you downstairs, and Rory, thanks.” Slowly Cecil made her way down the wide hallway of her new home. She had always dreamed of having a log cabin and all three of her men had seen that vision and built her that home. Soon Cecil would decorate their home with the things they made. Nothing old would go into this home except pictures of their families. It was a time for new beginnings, and she wasn’t going to let anyone stop her from having what she wanted, a family.

  Cecil stripped the ruined shirt off and threw it into the trash by her dresser. She bent to grab a sweater from her drawer when Tug slipped in behind her. “A half-naked mate, so nice to come home to.” His cold hands enclosed around her breasts, and she jumped up, hitting her head on his chin.

  “Damn it, Tug, your hands are cold.” She rubbed her head and tried to escape his arms, but he held on, nipping at her exposed neck.

  Cecil glanced up into the large oval mirror, which hung up above her dresser, and stared into Tug’s dark eyes, his wet red hair pulled back into a ponytail. “You’re scared.”

  It wasn’t a question, but a statement. She nodded bringing her hand up to cup his cheek, all the while his hands kneaded her bare breasts. “Yes, I thought we were done with them, once we learned about all of this. Now the thought of them here…”

  He turned her in his arms and brushed her hair back. “No one, and I mean no one, will hurt you again Cecil. You are home, we will make this the house like that of the one your dreams, and no one will take it away. I promise.”

  Laying her head against his bare chest, she traced her finger tips around his nipple. “I hope so Tug, I hope so, but I have a real bad feeling again.”

  Not giving him time to respond, Cecil stepped out of his arms and grabbed the sweater from the drawer, slipping it on. “Rory and Clayton are waiting for us, so we better get going.” She moved towards the door, but once again Tug pulled her into his arms.

  “I know this is hard Cecil, but believe in us. We won’t allow anyone to take you or Cade away. We would die first.” He kissed her nose and pushed her towards the door, but not before she gazed up at him.

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” She whispered and disappeared into the hallway. At least she wasn’t the only one who hated the council.

  Yes I’m here, and if my mates know what’s good for them, they better not allow those monsters here.

  Cecil laughed, and winked at Lissa, who now stood with her mates in the room. “You heard too?”

  Lissa nodded as the men around her frowned.

  “What?” Clayton demanded right before she left with Lissa, but she ignored him, holding onto Lissa who took her to Jaycee’s new home.

  Chapter Four

  Lissa laughed at Cecil and shook her head. “You know he’s going to come straight for you when Pierre brings him here?”

  Cecil laughed and picked up a strand of her hair. “Red?”

  “I thought with Christmas right around the corner, why not? Everyone needs a change once in a while. You want a different color? How about green?” Lissa busted out laughing as Cecil’s hair turned a dark green, and she shrieked as she looked into the mirror above the fireplace.

  Marsha came running into the room, followed by Mark and Dane. “Damn Cecil, green?” They all busted out laughing, as Jaycee moved slowly into the room smiling.

  “I like it. We could all do something different for Christmas.” She tapped her lips and Lissa could have sworn she saw a hint of mischief in her gaze. Who was she to deny a very pregnant lady anything?

  Turning in a complete circle, gazing at each man, Lissa held back her laughter as each of them frowned at her. The men in the room either had red, blue, green or yellow hair. Mark, Dane, Remi, Tug, Rory, and her mates all gapped at each other. Cecil nudged her and nodded to Clayton’s bald head and she laughed.

  His bald head was now a shiny red color, like that of a Christmas ornament. “Is that better?” She laughed, turning to Cecil, who could only nod.

  Jaycee sat down next to Marsha and Shelly on the other brown leather couch, while she sat down next to Cecil and Suzanne. Tears started to drip down Marsha’s face and Lissa giggled, adding one more item to the festivities.

  Suzanne pointed at Dominic and rolled off the couch laughing. Cecil laughed so hard her son Cade was now also laughing. Jaycee, Marsha and Shelly fanned themselves laughing so hard. Even she couldn’t help grinning, her cheeks hurting.

  “I hope you are having fun? You do know we have serious problems here?” Dane grumbled at them all.

  Nikola bent down and nibbled on her neck. “That’s one punishment.” He whispered in her ear and kissed her neck.

  Lissa nipples hardened and she moaned. “You had to say that, didn’t you.” Nikola knew Lissa loved his little punishments.

  Smiling, Nikola straightened, but not before he tweaked one of her nipples. The men were once again back to normal.

  “Now that sucks, I wanted to see if I could see myself in Clayton’s reflection.” Cecil teased, smiling.

  “Spoiled sport. We all needed to release some tension, Nikola.” She frowned up at him and taped her fingernails on the edge of the sofa.

  “You’re right; we all needed an ice breaker, thank you Lissa. But we do have an issue here, and we need to figure out what is going on.” Clayton bowed to her and raised his eyebrows at Cecil’s hair color.

  “Fine, but I’m keeping my hair in the true spirit of Christmas.” Cecil shook her head. “At least till after the holidays.”

  Cecil smiled and glanced at Clayton, daring him to say one word.

  “Thats up to you.” Clayton nodded to Remi. “As everyone knows, we were bringing the council members here to discuss our next move: to decide who would join us on this new world and so on. But I’m afraid after bringing over six of the members, two of them dissolved when Nikola and Pierre tried to bring them into our world. We still have over twenty five men and woman to transport, but now I’m afraid to chance it.”

  Lissa glanced over at Leda, who sat at the large dining room table going through pages of notes, frowning. “Leda, what’s wrong?” She rose off the couch with Nikola’s help.

  Moving to her, Lissa stared down at all the papers, each one marked with one of their names. She picked up a paper with her name on it and smiled at Leda’s notes. “If I didn’t know you so well, I’d resent being in your detective work. So, have you found anything out that might help us?”

“Nikola’s head man has been keeping me informed of some interesting things, and I think it might have to do with your dissolving men, but someone might want to ask one of the goddesses about it to make sure.” She got up and began to pace back and forth, all the while glancing back at the table.

  “From what I can tell, every person or creature -” Leda waved her hands at Dominic. “No offense, but it’s not every day I see dragons, or for that matter werewolves. Anyway, when our enemy tried to come over by water or flying, they died.”

  Remi frowned and glanced at Nikola. “Have there been many trying to get here since the change in the land mass?”

  Nikola slid his arm around her and kissed her cheek. “No, nothing. Not since the divide, except for what has happened today. I remember my mother’s stories of how our world was when it was forming. I believe the same thing happened then also. When it was forming, only certain people, things and animals were allowed to travel there. If anything or anyone came over that threatened the process, it would be destroyed.”

  Lissa shielded her eyes as the room got bright and warm. Mother Nature and Goddess Empusa stepped into the room. At once, Gaia went to Jaycee and ran her hand over her stomach. “You are very close. They’ll be here before your Christmas holiday.”

  Gaia rose and smiled at Lissa as she faced Remi. “What Nikola has said is true. Any person or thing that interferes with the building of this realm will automatically be destroyed. Those men you were bringing over obviously had other plans for this realm.” Gaia glanced down at Jaycee, then at Cecil.

  “As both of you are aware, there is good in every species. I don’t know if what you call snake shifters will be coming here or not, but if they are to come, the new world has a reason for them to be here. For right now, there is no threat to the women here, but even eventually someone will want something he or she can’t have, and well you all know...” She glanced at Goddess Empusa.

  “I’m afraid my sister is right. We don’t know who will be allowed here. Right now, from what we can tell, the only ones able to come and go from here are you. Dominic, you and your mates also have a decision to make. You are king to many and these others will wish to follow. Is King Ladon ready to come out of hiding, serve his people, and help with this new world?”

  Goddess Empusa turned, her gaze landed on Lissa for a minute, then flicked up to Nikola. “Nikola, the rift between the Fae world and here will be open within a few weeks, we believe before Christmas. You and your mates have no choice, I’m afraid. Queen Isabel has lost most of her powers. Right now, Gaia and I can keep the door to the other world closed, to give you and your mate’s time to adjust. I suggest you and your family visit the fae world soon. They will need to become acquainted with your people.”

  Nikola released his hold on Lissa, and she almost fell backwards, when he stepped up to Empusa. “Is Isabel okay? How can she be holding this back from everyone? They would sense the demise of her power, and could hurt her?”

  Lissa stood there in shock, as her mate Nikola disappeared from the room leaving her, and everyone. Leda placed her hands on her hips. “Well that jackass! I swear Lissa, if you don’t kick his warrior ass, I will. How freaking rude and hurtful can you get?”

  Goddess Empusa turned to Leda and she jumped covering her mouth. “Sorry.”

  Leda slowly made her way next to her and hugged her. “You okay? You haven’t said a word.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and glanced at Castor, Adonis and Pierre who now stood across the room, staring at her. “What am I to say Leda? He’s very close to Queen Isabel and his world is changing, as is ours. We will all need to change. I just hope I’m up to being what his people need.” And what he needs.

  Moving away from every one to the large window, Lissa frowned as she listened to the trees outside. “Adonis, do you hear them?” She glanced at him as he came up behind her and nibbled her neck.

  “Yes, it’s as if they are singing, welcoming someone.” He glanced down at her with a puzzled look, and she reached up, patting his cheek.

  “Jaycee, you’re in labor?” Lissa glanced at the back of Jaycee’s head, when she heard her grunt.

  “I could be, but it’s still early, the contractions are about fifteen minutes apart.” Jaycee turned in her seat and stared at her. “How did you know? I haven’t told anyone but Momma.”

  Remi, Dane and Mark all snarled. Remi was by her side in a flash, picking her up and out of the room. “You’re in labor and you didn’t tell us? What is wrong with you? You should be in bed. Marsha, what do we need?” Remi bellowed towards the stairs while he moved down the hall to the circular staircase.

  “Stop Remi, I need to ask Lissa something!” Jaycee smacked his chest hard and snarled.

  Lissa and Adonis had been right behind them, stepped up next to Jaycee and Remi. “The trees and the plants are singing to the new babies. They will be the first to be born here on this new realm. They are welcoming them with open arms.” Lissa ran her hand over Jaycee’s stomach. “They are moving, getting ready. I’ve put all the gifts from your baby shower in their room, but I’m afraid, Philip’s hockey sticks, I put in the closet. I don’t think they’ll need those anytime soon.”

  Jaycee laughed and Remi started to grin, until he felt the water drip down to the floor. Her water had broken, it was time. Remi ran up the stairs three at a time with Marsha and Shelly following.

  “We need to bring my folks and Remi’s over now. Jaycee will want them here and both are waiting.” Adonis pulled her down the stairs the water now gone. “Pierre, Castor we need to make a few trips.”

  Gaia smiled and waved her hand. “There is no need for you to leave.” With the last word out of her mouth, Adonis’s parents and Remi’s now stood in the room.

  Remi’s father was as tall as he was and built like a tank, just like his son, but his growl startled everyone. “I wish someone would warn me when they do that.”

  Gaia stared at him and he had enough sense to bow his head. “Sorry, but I was in the middle of a fight. Our hiding place had been found.”

  The thought of any of Pierre or Adonis’s family getting hurt sent a cold chill down her spine. One minute Lissa was in Jaycee’s living room and the next she was standing next to Nikola. “What the hell?”

  * * * *

  Nikola stared at his shocked mate. He had seen where her thoughts were headed, and there was no way she was going to put herself, and the babies in trouble. Already Castor, Pierre and Adonis were on Earth transferring their family to their new home. He had issued twenty of his warriors there to protect them, while they moved the women and children. The battle was hot and heavy, but his warriors were keeping the enemy back.

  “Do you really believe I didn’t know what you were thinking, Lissa?” he yanked her into his arms and kissed her hard, his hand on the back of her head, holding her in place. She tasted of mint and chocolate from her morning decaf coffee.

  “Umm, love the taste of you, just a hint of sweet and mint.” He nibbled her nose. “Adonis, Pierre, and Castor are bringing the rest of our family over, while my warriors and now…” Nikola laughed and glanced down at her.

  “And it seems as Dominic has taken up the call. King Ladon is there along with Granger, and this small battle will be over in minutes.” Nikola stepped back and watched her reaction as she gazed around the palace’s grand room where the coronation would take place next week making him King and her Queen.

  “What do you think?” He watched as she moved around the room, running her fingers on the golden furniture in the room, a high chandelier hung from the ceiling, candles lit the room, and a gold carpet, soft as a kitten’s fur, covered the floor.

  “It’s beautiful, but I would be too afraid to be here. With my luck, I’d knock over one of those expensive vases or mess up the carpet.” She laughed and then turned away from him.

  “Nikola, I’m not Isabel. All of this isn’t me. How are your people going to take to a queen, who would rather be outside, in the gard
ens, talking to the plants?” She hugged herself and glanced back at him.

  “Come here Lissa.” Nikola sat down on the large high-back chair and pulled her in-between his legs, holding her prisoner.

  “For one, it does not matter what others think, you are my mate, and nothing or anyone is going to change that. If I am to be King, they will accept my queen and my other mates.” He tugged her down one to his lap and cupped her breast.

  “As for talking to plants, sweetheart, they are going to bow at your feet. There is one thing my people are and that is very tuned to nature around us. You were meant to be queen, Lissa.”

  The large golden doors opened and three warriors strolled into the room and bowed before them. “Nikola, what can we do for you?”

  Leaning back, Nikola pulled Lissa back with him, all the while he held onto her breast, even though she tried twice to dislodge his hand, he held firm. “Matlock, I would like you to meet my mate, Lissa. You three will be her personal guards, when I, or my other mates, are not around.”

  She stopped squirming on his lap, and glanced at them, then at him. “Thank you, but I really don’t think I need any guards, no offense.” Lissa quickly nodded to Matlock.

  “Oh, but you will, while you are here Lissa, and when the door opens.” Nikola glanced up at Matlock. “Please have my belongings brought here to the palace, and place them in the private living quarters. Also, Queen Isabel will be announcing that she is stepping down this week. I have been chosen to be King. Is that going to be a problem with your family?”

  The warrior stepped back in shock, as did his two brothers. He had been warned that this family was Queen Isabel’s biggest threat for a takeover. It was considered a great honor to protect the queen, but he would make it quite clear, this queen is not to be touched by her warriors.


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