The Heart's Dark Hunger Read online

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  I couldn’t tell you what I was doing and risk those monsters would find this place. I knew you would need it in the end. I don’t know if I’ll see you again, but know I love you, and I’m very proud of you.


  Lilly sat there and just cried, holding the letter to her heart while staring at the monitors. Finally, needing something to drink, Lilly went searching in the pantry room, laughing, seeing all the diet pop she loved, next to stacks and stacks of bottled water. Yes, her father had thought of everything. Grabbing a bottle of water, Lilly glanced to the left, smiling. “God, I love you, Daddy.” She grabbed the new coffee pot and one of the bags of ground coffee and it back into the main room to search for a plug.

  Sure enough, her father had eight plugs, in one area, with a note.

  Watch your usage you don’t want to use up the charge. During the day, the solar input will recharge everything, but at night, use candles if you can.

  She read further how to turn off the lights and other things. She would even be able to go online via a satellite Internet connection.

  “So smart, Daddy.” She went about making her coffee then noticed the Irons driving into her small town, parking their bikes in front of the little police station. “You mother fucker.” The sheriff came out of his office with one of the bimbos from the Irons attached to his side.

  Lilly sat at the little table near the plugs and turned her computer on to research these White Buffalo men that Fuzz kept asking about. She needed to know everything about them before she could trust them. Even though the man in her dreams had her body humming with sexual awareness, she wasn’t about to allow her heart to get hurt. She had protected it so far and wasn’t about to turn it over to just any hot man.

  It took her a while, and a cup of strong coffee, but she was connected to the Internet and on the White Buffalo’s’ main web page. From what she could see, there was nothing but good reviews and stories of this group.

  Lilly sucked in her breath when a picture of three men, the president, Running Wolf, another named Sun Bull, and the man of her dreams, Dark Horse, popped up. She took a sip of coffee, staring at the man in question. There was no doubt in her mind that this man was going to be part of her life, but could she give him her heart? Could he be what she craved? A man strong enough to take total control over her heart and body. Lilly knew she was different. All throughout high school dating she hadn’t been able to find that one man. But staring at this picture, she only hoped he was the one.

  Lilly found an email and wondered if it would work. They might as well know there were traps all around her town, if they were really coming her way. Lilly worked on explaining why she was contacting them, hoping she didn’t sound like some nut case. She read the letter over three times before sending it off, hoping someone important would open it in time.

  She peeked over at the small toilet and sighed. “All right, Daddy. I’m trying the stupid thing.” It wasn’t too bad, but the idea of cleaning it out did not sit well with her. At least she wouldn’t be able to smell it. She used the hand sanitizer before going to get one of the MRE’s. She had tried them out before, and they hadn’t been half bad. But weeks of them might be a problem.

  Her computer dinged as she sat back down, opening up her meal.

  Dear Lilly,

  I can’t thank you enough for your warning. My name is Kizzy, and I’m married to Running Wolf. We should be there soon. We are well aware of the traps these ass-wipes have set for our men. Oh, by the way, on phone so this is slow going here. When we stop again, I’ll have Dark Horse personally write you. Are you safe for now?

  Why would she inform Dark Horse? Did they know something? Lilly tore open her food then checked the monitors again. The Irons were still all around the sheriff’s, but what had her worried was the sheriff staring down at his phone. “Fuck.” She opened up a new email account, one she knew the ass wouldn’t be able to track, and wrote back to Kizzy.


  I’m sorry to say, but I believe our local police has access to my old email. Please, be careful.


  She got up and paced, watching the monitors. Three of the bikers were now coming her way. “Please don’t be able to see the hidden door,” she whispered, scanning her house and the surrounding area.

  She could see nothing but burned ruins. Even via the one camera trained on where the back door used to be, Lilly could see nothing. Three men stood by the ravine, staring at the burned-out mess. One walked to the right, the others other to the left. Lilly knew they were trying to see the back yard, but she knew they’d see nothing since her door was now buried in a flaming mess.

  Lilly crawled up the stairs and placed her hand on the door but yanked it back just as quickly. The door was hot, but not enough to melt it. So, she was safe for the time being. “Sure, would be nice if it rained.” She snorted, knowing that would be a miracle since they were in a drought.

  Yes, her father had built this place safe, and if Lilly got out of this alive, the first place she would go was the hospital in search for her father.

  Chapter Three

  He came riding on the beast he called his metal horse. His gaze claimed her the first time he saw her. Her Dark Knight, who would show his White Lilly the light.

  Dark Horse, Enforcer of the White Buffalo MC

  Dark Horse took a drink of his beer, scanning the bar around him. They had arrived at the hotel ten minutes ago. Checking in, he had come straight to the bar, needing a beer and to think. Next to him, Sun Bull sat, both of them saying nothing. Every time before they went out to risk their lives they would sit quietly, watching their little part of their world around them.

  But, it would seem, Running Wolf’s Little Gypsy had a different idea as she ran into the bar, scanning the little place. “I swear that woman is going to get herself killed,” Dark Horse growled as she approached their table.

  Kizzy placed a piece of paper in front of Dark Horse. “You have to come upstairs, now,” she pleaded as he lifted the paper reading the email.

  “My Lilly sent this?” He scooted his chair back just as Running Wolf came into the bar.

  “Kizzy!” he growled, coming up to her and yanking her head back by a handful of her hair. “What do you think you were doing? Running out of our room without protection.”

  “I had to. I was worried about Lilly.” Kizzy had tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  Running Wolf moaned. “Little Gypsy, you have to start thinking before you take off. Now, what is so important you risk coming here?”

  “Her email was hacked, they know we’re coming, and they know Lilly contacted us. She could be in more danger, but Running Wolf, he knew about us and our little girl…” Kizzy’s voice cracked…

  “How do you know this?”

  “This isn’t the only email I got. Another one arrived right after this one, from a different address. From someone named Fizz…and the pictures he sent.” She shivered rubbing her arms.

  “Let’s go. I want to see everything. But, Kizzy, Running Wolf is right. I know you were upset, but you should have told Running Wolf about this before coming down here. We’re too close for you to be running around without protection…” Dark Horse restated what his friend had just told her, coming around and placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Thank you, little sister, for worrying. But allow us to handle this, please.”

  “You don’t understand, those pictures,” she whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek before she buried her face into Running Wolf’s chest. Even though, Kizzy wasn’t his woman Dark Horse’s stomach clenched. He hated to see a woman cry. Unless, of course, it was a good cry, from the punishment he liked to dish out.

  “Come, let’s take this upstairs. I don’t trust anyone around us.” Running Wolf led Kizzy out of the bar, followed by Dark Horse, and up to their room.

  ’Dark Horse stared at the pictures Kizzy handed him anger simmering deep inside.

This Fuzz, president of the Irons—there would be no mercy for him when he got hold of him. But what drew his attention was the hurt, and pain in his woman’s eyes. The ache inside his chest, the need to protect her was so strong it even surprised him.

  After opening the email for their group, Dark Horse typed his warning then sent it out.

  I heard being skinned alive and fed to an army of fire ants is an extremely painful way to die. Get ready. I’m coming for you.

  He hit send before opening another email to her.

  My White Lilly,

  Stay safe. We are coming. Before you know it, you’ll be walking out in the sun where you belong.

  Dark Horse

  He sent the email off, short and the truth. He’d make sure his Lilly was always safe. No way she would be running around free like his little sister, Kizzy, without getting her cute ass spanked. Dark Horse tilted his head, listening to Kizzy’s cries, knowing Running Wolf was taking his hand to her backside.

  He was just about ready to close the laptop when, another email popped up, from her. Dark Horse smiled and opened it.

  I have no idea who you are, but I’m not your anything. I’m safe for now, but they are searching for me. And for your information, I was never White Lilly, just Lilly.

  Good night, Dark Horse. You stay safe.

  The computer dinged again, and he growled seeing who it was from. This policeman would be second on his list, he promised himself as he opened up the email, seeing a house burning to the ground.

  I’ll find her and when I do, I’ll make sure nothing is left for you.

  The threat had him clutching the laptop, standing, and slowly closing the lid. It was time to go, now.

  In his hotel room, Dark Horse opened his duffel bag and prepared himself. A calmness seemed to settle over him, knowing every action now affected his Lilly.

  Running Wolf entered, wearing his leather and weapons.

  “I take it Kizzy’s uncle and brother are with her and the baby?” Dark Horse slipped into his coat.

  “Yes,” he replied. “You didn’t inform her we were going in tonight, did you?”

  “I’m not stupid. Any word on the scouts?” He glanced around his room one more time, ready to go.

  “Yes, they are expecting us to come in on the main road.” Running Wolf moved into the hallway Dark Horse followed. At least twenty-five of their men waited in the hallway. The rest would be below waiting on their bikes.

  “Thank you everyone for helping me with this. May the great spirit watch your back and the Mother guide your steps.” went down the stairs to get on Flames, his metal horse. They had two hours of driving before they would hide their bikes. Already, their scouts were disposing of the Irons’ scouts. The Irons wouldn’t expect them tonight, but tomorrow, their mistake.

  He glanced up, seeing the stars and Father Moon bright in the sky as he opened his horse up and rode down the road, his best friends at his side. Tonight, the Irons would fall.

  All the training of the old came back to him in a rush as he climbed off his bike at their destination and crawled to the ridge overlooking the town below. Next to him Running Wolf and Sun Bull, used sign language or as they called it, hand talking, in case there were any recording devices around. Loud music emanated from the party below

  Hoots in the night air let him know the enemy scouts were no longer a problem. Dark Horse raised his hand; it was time. As he made his way toward the town, the first two groups, one coming in from the north and the other coming in from the south, started moving in, careful of the townspeople. The first Iron Dark Horse came across was in the single alley in town. Two bikers had dragged a young teenager, screaming as they stripped her of clothes, slapping her around before he could get to her. But they hadn’t had time to rape her like they had his lady, Dark Horse growled, shoving his knife in one of the men from behind, twisting it causing as much damage as possible before yanking the blade out and greeting the other biker as the dead man fell at his feet.

  “You should really have a willing participant, but then again, who would want to fuck a scumbag like you,” Dark Horse taunted.

  “Let’s dance, Tonto,” he snarled and charged Dark Horse who been waiting, and stabbed his new knife into the man’s throat. The blade, sharp enough to cut through tin, sliced through his skin without a problem, silencing his words forever as he crumpled next to his friend.

  Dark Horse apologized to the Great Mother for taking two of her children then he heard the whimpers of the young girl. Tucking his knife away, Dark Horse kicked the dead man out of his way and knelt next to the girl.

  “I won’t hurt you.” He pointed to the opposite end of the alley. “If you go that way, you will have a clear path, but do not stay in town.” He took off his coat and slipped off his shirt, handing it to her. “Here, put this on, little one. It will cover you till you get home. I suggest you stay there tonight. Lock the doors. I’m hoping this will all be over by tomorrow.”

  The girl turned around to put it on. “Thank you.” She glanced back at him. “I’m Emma. Watch for the sheriff and his men. They give them anything they want.” Her gaze dropped to the ground. “Even me.”

  “It will stop tonight. Just stay hidden, little Emma.” He put his coat back on and headed toward town from which shouts could be heard. Fighting had begun.

  “Sir?” the little girl called, and he glanced over his shoulder at her. “My father is being held in the jail. He’s all I have.”

  “Do you have a place to hide till this is over?”

  She turned toward the woods. “Yes, but how long should I stay there?”

  “Stay the night there. I promise tomorrow will be better.” He smiled at the teenager. She would defiantly attract the boys. “Does your father know where this place is?”

  She nodded, inching toward the woods.

  “Good, when I see him, I’ll tell him. Stay safe, little Emma,” he told her, moving out of the alleyway toward the fighting, intent on finding this Fuzz. Running Wolf moved in, and joined him, followed, a few seconds later by Sun Bull.

  “It’s a good night. The Great Mother has blessed us this evening. So far not one of ours have gone down,” Sun Bull’s voice was strong and loud as all three of them stopped and stared at the twenty Iron members waiting for them. But Dark Horse’s attention was only for the man in the back.

  “Fuzz is mine,” Dark Horse informed his friends.

  “The sheriff is mine,” Running Horse announced next.

  “Well, damn, I guess I get to take the one who keeps touching his dick. Maybe he has crabs.” Sun Bull’s comment was loud enough for the Irons to hear.

  Dark Horse snorted, and Running Wolf laughed while said Iron man charged with the others, but the White Buffalos were not alone. All sixty of Running Wolf’s men moved up behind them.


  Lilly sat up, her heart racing a mile a minute as she scanned everything around her. Releasing the breath, she was holding, Lilly’s heartbeat slowed and her pulse lowered. She was still safe, but a quick peek up at one of the monitors it was still dark. What had woken her up?

  A movement, off to her left, on one of the many little monitors on the ceiling, but that wasn’t the only one. Lilly moved closer and sucked in her breath.

  “They’re here,” she whispered, watching the fighting in the middle of town.

  The White Buffalo’s fought as a team, each anticipating the others’ moves. Fuzz stared the line of men his.

  Her gaze jumped to the man in the long black leather coat with a White Buffalo on the back of it. He was taller than the rest, but what had her staring were the knives he pulled out as the group of Irons rushed them. One by one, the Iron bikers fell, blood seemed to coat the street where they fought.

  His men losing, Fuzz wasn’t about to stick around. He and two of his men dashed in between two buildings and met the sheriff. They jumped into a black Blazer and took off.

  Her hands sho
ok as the Blazer came to a stop. Would they turn toward her home or head out of town? Lilly grabbed onto the table in front of her as the ground shook beneath her. “Fuck not again,” she cried. The large ravine that had surrounded her home was gone on one side. Anyone with a car or bike could now come onto her property, which also meant one could search till they found her.

  Lilly quickly ran to the stairs and turned on the light to stare at the metal door. “Will you hold against them?” She trembled, really afraid all of a sudden. “Fuck.” As Lilly scanned each camera, a single tear rolled down her cheek.

  The Blazer was gone. She had no idea where the four most dangerous men had gone.

  “Okay, Daddy. I hope that door is bullet and dynamite proof,” she whispered. In the next few hours, her world was going to change, but was it going to be for the good, or would she die that tonight? Lilly moved back to the sofa’, hugging herself as she stared at the monitor of the town where all the fighting had taken place.

  Never did she take her eyes off the one that seemed to draw her attention. He now stood, with his head bowed, his knives still in his hand’s as if saying a prayer, before lifting his head and turning sideways. Lilly swore he stared at the hidden camera, and his dark eyes didn’t seem to move for a few seconds, as if he was calling to her in some way.

  Two of his friends came to his side, one having a cut on his arm, drawing Dark Horse’s attention. Oh, Lilly had known it was Dark Horse. The one who claimed she was his in the email. Plus, he was also the man in her dreams. She scooted back on the sofa, bringing her knees up and hugging them. What did she have to offer a man like that? Could she even allow another to touch her after what had been done to her?


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