Bound by Witchcraft: Charmed by My Masters Page 3
“What? It took me two months to make sure the right spell was on that shirt. Did you turn her to a snake, or kill her?” Lizzie snapped.
“No I wasn’t allowed to, my so called Master, forbid me.” Blair frowned.
“Hmm, hold on.” Blair held the phone away from here ear and glanced at the phone, when she heard Lizzie in the back ground performing a spell.
“No Lizzie that’s too much.” But it was too late. Blair heard the screams from below. Lizzie gave her a vision of the scene unfolding and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Ha, now that bitch won’t shred anything, oh and here.” Blair laughed, as her blouse appeared on her bed. Curling up, she closed her eyes. “Are you watching this scene, too?” Blair laughed, as she saw Jax fall flat on his face in the lounge below, trying to catch the snake, Callie.
“Who is that man? He’s awful cute, even though he looks pissed.” Lizzie giggled, as they watched the scene unfold in their minds. Jax growled, and ran to catch the small garden snake.
“His name is Jax, and he say’s I’m his mate. He’s a werewolf.” Blair laughed, when Jax leaned over a table to corner the snake, and the table collapsed under him.
“So tell me, how did you get to the Sanctum so fast?” Blair asked, Lizzie giggled, then snarled.
“You wouldn’t believe this, I had just sent out a call to the master, but I didn’t think I would hear from him so soon. Anyway, well I was horny, and there was this man. Oh my god, was he gorgeous. I was about to have sex with him, when zap, Master dork shows up in my bedroom! Can you believe that? Here I was, finally going to give my virginity to this hunk of a man, and the dork shows up ruining it? So when he brought me here, and told me about the Triad, well I locked myself in my room.”
Blair sighed, and crossed her legs. “Lizzie, I told you to save yourself for your master. I wanted all of you to do that.”
“Why? It’s not that important, I mean you gave your virginity up?”
She jumped off the bed. “Damn it Lizzie, I gave it up to save the seven of you! I had to know where our enemies where, and the only way to do that was to sleep with him.”
Something sizzled, and crackled, behind Blair and she turned to see her book shake. “Okay, this is new.”
“What? What’s wrong?” Lizzie squealed. “Damn, I have to go, Master dork is trying to get in. I’ll call later.”
“Xam, what’s wrong?” Blair moved up to her book, as her bedroom door flew open. All three of her mates stepped into the room.
“I think I have problem with Xam.” Blair crawled up on the bed, and tried to gently grab the book, but it shocked her.
“Hey, that wasn’t nice. What did I do?” Blair yelled at the book.
“What did you do? You gave something special away for no reason! Your father and mother would be furious with you right now.” Xam’s voice filled the room, shaking the lamps and causing the door to crash open.
She jumped off the bed, and glared at the book. “You know something, I don’t give a shit, and I’d do it again, if it meant protecting my family. They weren’t here to protect us. There was only me. He offered the information, knowing it was the only way I could protect them. So don’t even criticize what I did. It only lasted two minutes anyway! It’s not like sex is great!” A single tear, slipped down her cheek.
“I didn’t know how else to protect them, I was only forty-five, Xam.” The book shrunk back to the smaller size, and turned black, flopping on her bed.
She looked up to see Dietrich, Jax and Grey in the door way. Blair shook her head, knowing from their expressions that they weren’t too happy with her, either.
Chapter Three
Dietrich was livid. Furious, not only because her little stunt of changing Callie into a snake had caused a ruckus downstairs, but also due to the idea of some other man taking what should have been his. He wanted to seek that man out, and personally rip him apart.
“Give me your hands, Blair.”
He held out his hand and she put her small hands into his. He clasped his personal handcuffs around her wrists. “Let’s go.”
Jax reached over, and swung her into his arms. He carried her out of their wing, into a part Blair hadn’t seen before
Gray opened the door to the large lounge, where over a hundred men and woman stood waiting. In the middle of the room, a punishment table had been cleaned, and was waited for them. Jax’s pack stood in the back, and watched.
Blair shook, as Jax lowered her down to the ground in front of the blockade. Dietrich grabbed her wrists, and unhooked the cuffs. He replaced them with the cuffs attached to the table.
Gray adjusted the bench, just enough so that her feet could reach the floor, and Gray grabbed one ankle, and strapped it to a metal ring attached the floor, while Jax did the same with the other.
Blair’s stomach rested on the leather of the table, while her upper body was bent over, and secured. Her ass and back were now exposed to them for punishment. Dietrich ripped her teddy from her body.
“Blair, we have brought you here to punish you. You have disobeyed our bylaws, drawing attention to our home. You have gone against my wishes, seeking vengeance, when we told you it would be taken care of. For these offenses there are no excuses.”
Dietrich nodded to Gray, who grabbed the paddle off the small table, and stepped up behind her.
“You will receive five smacks to each ass cheek. Since this is your first offense we are going lightly on you. Be warned, do not try and use your magic. It won’t come, not in this room. Proceed.” He nodded.
Gray smacked her with the paddle. The first time, and she flinched, but didn’t say a word. He continued until all ten smacks had been delivered. He stepped back, frowning. Blair hadn’t said a word, or cried out as she received her punishment.
Her ass was red, and tender, as he knelt down and unhooked her arms. Jax released her feet and helped her stand. Blair swayed a little, but finally managed to stand on her own. Silent tears streamed down her face, her long hair covered part of it, as he brushed the hair back.
Blair’s gaze held his, the anger flashed in her eyes, as he turned her around to the crowd. “Her punishment is over. Blair released Callie.” Dietrich ordered.
“I cannot.” Blair stared straight ahead; gasps filled the room, and Jax’s pack growled.
Jax stepped in front of her and snapped. “You will release her. What she did was wrong, but enough already.”
She turned her head only a fraction, staring into his face. “So, to threaten my life is nothing? I’m glad she is the snake she is, maybe she won’t go around and shred people’s things now that she has no claws!”
Dietrich stepped in front of her, and glared down into her face. “Don’t make me do it. You will be punished again. Correct what you have done here.”
The door to the lounge flew open, and a man ran up to Dietrich. “Master Flade, an urgent phone call from another Sanctum.” The man handed Dietrich the phone.
“Dietrich Flade.” He turned and walked away from Blair, listening to the other master on the phone. He had punished Blair, for something she hadn’t done.
“Yes, she’s right here, hold on.” Dietrich stepped back up to Blair. “Master Ryan is on the phone. It seems your sister is to be punished for what she has done, but she won’t reverse the spell unless you tell her too.”
Blair shrugged. “It was her blouse, she made it for me. Callie ruined it. My sisters are very protective of me, as I am of them.”
Jax moved up next to them. “That’s how it should be with family, but Callie has learned her lesson Blair, please.”
She nodded and took the phone. “Lizzie, sweetie, go ahead and release her. No Lizzie, if she attacks me again, I’ll kill her.” Blair stared into Jax’s gaze.
“No one will attack me again, and you know I can protect myself, but thank you.” She laughed.
“Lizzie you’re going to get punished again, if you keep calling your master a dork. Yes, I’ll call you tomor
row morning. Love you.” Blair handed the phone back to Dietrich, just as Callie screamed in the back.
“I’ll kill the bitch. Where is she?” Callie screamed.
Dietrich whipped around, at the same time Jax did. “Take her out of here now, send her back to her father’s pack, and inform him what she has done and said.” Jax snapped.
“I’ll kill your sister, and then I’ll come for you.” She screamed, as they carried her out of the room.
Dietrich grabbed hold of Blair, as she moved quickly towards the door. “No Blair, she will be taken care of.”
Blair ripped her arm out of his grasp and turned her anger on him. “If one hair is harmed on my sister, I will hold you, and everyone else accountable. Excuse me, I’m going to bed.” Blair let just a brief amount of her magic surround those present. When she heard their gasps, she disappeared from the room.
Everyone started to mumble, as Dietrich turned to the members of his house. “As you can see, Blair comes from a very powerful family. Her parents were killed early in life, and she has taken it upon herself to protect all her younger siblings. They have asked for help, and we will give them that help and support. Not one word about her powers leaves this room. She is mine, and she is Gray’s bonding partner. Blair is Jax’s mate, we will protect her, and if anyone dares to try and harm her, they will deal with us personally. Is that understood?” Dietrich looked out over the room as everyone nodded.
“Now, we know of two groups coming for her. I need to know that I have your support, that she has your support and protection.”
“Excuse me sir, but she just threatened most of us. Why should we help her?” Master Hank, a warlock, stepped forward.
Gray stepped in front of him. “Have you forgotten when you came here, asking for protection of your own sister? What would you do if someone threatened her?” Gray ordered.
Hank frowned and nodded. “You’re right, and I’m sorry. I’d do the same thing. She has my protection, and her family.” Hank stepped back, bowing. Everyone in the room bowed to Dietrich.
“Good, and Hank, thank you. I need everyone to spread out into the human lounge, and make sure the humans don’t remember what happened tonight. It was a magic act, for their pleasure. Also, I’ll need a scouting team ready by morning to see where the threat lies. Until then, please excuse us while we go apologize to our soon-to-be wife.” Dietrich mumbled, as the others in the room laughed.
Dietrich moved out of the lounge, Gray and Jax next to him. “Do you think she’ll even let us in her room?” Jax grumbled. “I know I wouldn’t.”
“Let’s just hope she’s a better person then the three of us are.” Dietrich laughed as they made their way through the hallways, choosing to walk to give her time to cool down.
Dietrich reached up to knock on the door, when he heard Blair.
“Damn it, Tony stop with the attitude. I don’t need it tonight. Of course I love you, but that has nothing to do with it. Tony, you know I can’t come back, and you can’t come here.”
Jax beat Dietrich to the door, busted it door down, and stormed into the room. “Who the hell do you love?” He snatched her phone from her, and crushed it.
The room turned cold, her long wet hair blew back, as her magic swirled around her. “That was my baby brother, asshole. He’s a teenager, and he wanted me to come home! Get the fuck out of my room now!”
The phone pieces floated into the air, and reassembled themselves. It rang as soon as it was in her hand. Blair flipped the phone open, and turned her back on them. “Tony, I’m sorry about that. I had a little problem with a pest here. Now listen, I can’t promise anything, but maybe when things calm down, you can come up for a visit.”
“Yes Tony, I promise I won’t let anyone hurt me. I love you too, bye baby.” She whispered, and turned, frowning at them as they stood there.
“I have nothing to say to any of you, so please leave me alone.” She walked over to one of her suitcases that the men had brought up, and pulled out a long silk red nightgown, slipping it over her head.
“Blair, we would like to apologize for earlier. We were wrong, and we’re sorry we didn’t give you the chance to tell us.”
She snorted, and crawled onto the bed and slipped under the covers. “Like I’d tell you it was my sister. If I did it, I would admit it to you, but I won’t rat out my sisters, so don’t expect me to. We’ve been through too much, and right now, you three are on my shit list, so please turn around and leave. I’m tired, and have to work tomorrow.”
Blair glanced up at him. “I’ll let you fix the door on your way out.” She rolled over and the lights turned off, leaving them in the dark, dismissing them all.
* * * *
She curled up into a ball, and hugged the pillow in her arms. Little Tony’s call had been the last straw. Tears slipped down her cheeks, as the day’s events played in her head.
The bed dipped, and a large, warm arm wrapped around her. “Hush, Blair. It’s okay.” Master Flade pulled her up on top of his now naked body. Blair stiffened as she felt his large cock against her stomach. The one man she had been with before had been small compared to what now poked at her.
Jax and Gray lay down next to them, one on each side, as the men rubbed every part of her body.
Slowly, she relaxed. “When Mom and Dad died, Tony was still a baby. I had to give up going to college. I worked from home selling potions, charms and things. I feel like he’s really my son. He even calls me Mom Blair. Out of all my brothers and sisters, he and Lizzie rely on me the most.” She rubbed her cheek on Dietrich’s warm hairy chest. “I miss them so much. I cried myself to sleep for the first two weeks traveling here.”
“I’m sure your brothers are taking good care of him, Blair. He’s old enough now to understand you had to leave.” Jax kissed each of her fingers.
“You have given up so much to protect your family. It’s time for you to have something special. Let us take care of you, Blair. To love you and protect you.” Gray kissed his way up her arm.
“Shit!” Blair lifted up, and tried to move off Dietrich, but he held her.
“What’s wrong?”
“Marci and Tison. I have to tell them I’m staying here. Let me up, Dietrich.”
He grinned. “Tison already knows you’ll be living here from now on. He was in the lounge earlier.”
“What? He’s not a he?” Blair watched as he nodded.
“One of his gifts is to camouflage the energy we use for our magic. Now, about your job. There is no way you will be working in a bar in downtown New York. One, it’s too dangerous, and two, we want you here with us,” Master Flade stated, using a small amount of magic on her. The magic slid and caressed her skin and she moaned.
Tiny, little fingers worked magic on her. “This is so not fair,” she mumbled into his chest. Once more she lowered her head and body to his.
“Hmm, but I don’t play fair. If you want to work, cover the bar downstairs in the Sanctum. I’ve already told Tison. Marci could help you.” Dietrich lifted her chin.
“Really, we can both work there?” Blair swatted his chest. “You’re a very manipulative man.” She grinned.
“Yes. I am, and I’m thinking you don’t need to have any clothes on either.” Her nightgown disappeared and she smiled. Dietrich grinned, and switched places with her. She laughed as he flipped her over, the silk sheet cool to her skin.
Blair stared up at Dietrich as he hovered over her body. He slid his hands down her arms. “Now, let us properly apologize to you.” He grasped her hands, and slowly raised them over her head. Silk scarves twined around her wrists, and attached to the oak headboard. Dietrich leaned down and kissed her lips softly. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip, tracing it.
Her body heated, her nipples hardened, and Blair’s palms grew sweaty. “Dietrich…”
“Shh, let us take care of you.” Master Flade kissed down her neck. He nipped at her skin and ran his tongue over every spot he touched.
/> Gray leaned over and kissed her lips hard. He demanded to be let into her mouth, as he bit down on her lip softly, and pushed his tongue inside when she gasped.
Master Flade nudged her legs apart, and settled between her legs. “Umm, I can smell your passion. Let’s see if it tastes as good as it smells.” His heated breath on the inside of her thigh shocked but aroused her.
Many sensations moved through her body. Confusion, this wasn’t like it was before. Jax bit down on her breast, Gray pulled at and rubbed her other breast with his hand, while he kissed her. Dietrich separated her folds and licked around her clit. Blair pulled her head away from Gray’s mouth.
“Need…” She panted not knowing what the hell she needed, but something was coming.