Bound by Witchcraft: Charmed by My Masters Page 2
She hesitated, and glanced behind her, but he didn’t give her time, and swatted her butt. “Now Blair.”
Blair squealed, and handed Gray the papers. Dietrich nodded, as Gray opened the papers and snarled. “Master Flade, you better take a look.”
Tison stepped up next to her, and hissed in her ear. “You told me you were clean?”
The little witch flinched, but held her ground, as he moved around them, and grabbed the papers. “She’s clean Tison. There are a few injuries, which Gray is worried about.”
Tison sighed, and lifted Blair’s chin. “I’m sorry, I jumped to the wrong conclusion Blair.”
She nodded, and glanced down at the floor.
“Tison, why don’t you take Marci to the blue room. It’s yours for the night.” Dietrich tucked the papers into his vest, and held out his hand to Blair.
“Give me your hands Blair.” Blair held out her small hands, placing them into his, and he sucked in his breath.
Gray I’m taking her to the office, follow us, and I want guards doubled tonight.Call in all our members.
Gray nodded, and moved with Tison into the lounge. “Come little witch, we need to talk.” He whispered into her ear, clasping his own personal handcuffs on her. “Tonight, you’re mine. No one will touch you but me, unless I let them.” He ordered, and placed his hand on her back, escorting her towards the office.
Blair shook, as they stepped into his private office, and he pointed to the couch. “Sit please, while I look over these papers, and wait for Gray. Why didn’t you contact us?” He sat down at his desk, and pulled out the papers, as Gray stepped in, closing the door behind him.
“I tried sir, but every time I called the number I had, someone kept telling me there was no Gray here. I hated to use Marci and Tison, but I had no choice.” She curled her feet up under her, while she tried to stop the trembling in her hands.
Dietrich studied her family’s history before him. He had heard of her family, and the death of her parents, but no one believed anyone would attack them. Dietrich turned and glanced at her. “I take it someone is after you?”
“Yes sir. Someone is after all of us. All of my sisters, my brothers can handle themselves, but once others found out our weakness, they started to come out of the woodwork. My brothers couldn’t protect all eight of us, so I made my sisters each head toward one of the sanctums, in different areas of the world. No one knows where each of us was headed; we drew the houses out of a hat. That way it would be safer for everyone.”
Dietrich frowned. “How did you all slip away, without them following you?”
Blair flinched. “I had no choice, I’m the oldest, and it’s my responsibility to protect my family. So I showed my hand a little, and lead them away from the others.”
He jumped up out of his seat. “You did what? Are you crazy? Do you know how much danger you were in?” He yelled and picked her up off the couch, and shook her.
The thought of someone getting their hands on her, let alone the fact she had been alone for so long scared the crap out of him. His magic brushed across her skin, and she moaned, but also glared at him.
“I had no choice, and I’d do it again, to protect my family.” Her gaze never let his.
Her words penetrated his brain, and he grinned down at her. “You’ll never put yourself at risk again, as long as I’m around. Where are you staying?” He eased his grip on her arms, and pulled her closer to his body.
“I have rooms at Webster Manor apartments, but my personal things have been in storage. My brothers are waiting for me to send word to them about where to send my things.”
He nodded. “Gray send the team to her apartment, and clean it. Bring anything she has there back here. Also, send word only to the masters,of each house that her sisters might be coming in. Make sure they are ready for them.”
He turned and glanced at Gray. “It’s time to show Blair around, and Gray, not a word about her power level to anyone.”
Gray nodded. “What rooms are you giving her?”
Dietrich smiled, and cupped her breast. “None, she’s going to share mine.”
Blair sucked in her breath. “But you don’t have to do that! I’m sure there is another who would…” He stopped her words by kissing her.
“Not another word.” He nipped her lip. Dietrich turned as Gray laughed.
“What’s so funny?” Dietrich moved to the office door, his arm around her waist.
“I just never thought I would see you so possessive of a female,” Gray teased him.
“Don’t push it Gray, or I won’t let you sample this morsel treat with me tonight. Don’t think I didn’t notice the same reaction in you.”
Chapter Two
Blair glanced up at both of the men as they escorted her back to the hall. Not only did Dietrich want her, but so did Gray, his right hand man.
Dietrich had to be at least seven feet tall, built like an ancient warrior. His hair was black as the night, and almost as long as her’s. It was like silk as it moved across his back with every step he took. His eyes were a dark blue, and Blair could have sworn he looked straight into her soul when he stared at her.
Gray Strongwolf was a little shorter then Dietrich, but more muscular. His hair was a tri – color of wheat, brown and black, and his eyes were brown, but one glance at them sent a shiver down her spine. Anyone who would cross these men would be in serious trouble.
Both men stopped before they entered the hall, and glanced down at her. “Who and how many are after you?”
Blair sighed. She had been hoping for one night to forget, but it wasn’t going to happen. “That I know of… two were packs, and one vampire.” Another cold chill went down her spine. “The vampire, well he was just creepy. Tried to talk my brothers into letting him court me, but they saw through him, thank god.”
“The one were-cat pack, are the Muglins. They just want my power.”
She frowned, and shook her head. “The wolf pack…. I don’t know about them. They didn’t attack or threaten me. They just watched me and followed. It was weird.”
Dietrich glanced up at Gray. “We can handle the vampire, but we need to watch out for the cats. As far as the wolf pack is concerned, it would help if you knew the name of the pack? Maybe we can find out what they want?”
“Jagar, it was the Jagar pack. My brother John told me before I left they had been watching me.” She gazed up to see him smile.
“Now that’s good news, because he’s a really good friend, and if I’m right, the alpha is here tonight.” He nodded to Gray, who took off into the crowd.
“So you trust the Jagar pack?” Blair kept her head down, as he lifted her up, and placed her onto the bar in front of him.
“Yes, I trust him.” He lifted her chin, and stared into her eyes. “He just might be the third I’ve been looking for.”
She frowned and squirmed. “I don’t understand, Sir? What is a third? And why am I sitting up here?”
He laughed, spread her legs that were dangling off the bar, and stepped in between them. “Because, my pretty submissive, I want you up there on display. I want everyone to see that you’re mine. Now, no more questions, unless I give you permission. You will address all Doms here as Sir, while you will address me as Master Flade. Is that understood?”
Blair glanced up to see Gray step beside them with a beefy man. His tri-color hair was pulled back, and his gaze met hers, as he smiled.
“Ouch!” She jumped, glaring at Master Flade, as she rubbed her thigh, where he had slapped it. Blair started to say something, but he frowned at her, and she bit her lip.
“You never answered my question, Blair. Do you understand?”
“Yes Master Flade,” Blair snapped at him.
He grinned, and turned to the man with Gray. “Jax, it’s good to see you. I understand you know of our new submissive here?” Master Flade slipped his other hand under her teddy, and rolled her nipple between his fingers.
Blair curled her hands in
to fists, and tried not to moan, as she listened to the men talk.
“Hmm, yes, we’ve been following her, but she is a sly one.” He growled.
“She was lucky though in Detroit, we caught up to her in time to stop the werecats from taking her. The bastard, Clay, had cornered her one night. He beat her up pretty badly by the time we got there. Then she takes off, before we could explain that we were there to escort her here.”
Damn, Damn, Damn! He just had to bring that up. All three males turned to stare at her. “How bad did they hurt you?” Master Flade snapped.
Blair shrugged. “I’ve had worse beatings. It took about two days before I could leave my hiding place and move on. I didn’t know he was sent to protect me. My brothers never told me.”
Master Flade sighed. “Poor little one, so alone, but you will never be alone again.” He turned and glanced at Jax. “I take it there is more going on with you and Blair?”
Jax nodded, his gaze never left hers. “I wasn’t the one to get to her, but when I got to the site, and I could smell her, I knew. She’s my mate.”
Dietrich threw his head back and laughed. “Perfect, then you won’t mind being our third.” His gaze heated, as once again he continued his play with her nipple as he turned his eyes to hers.
Jax grinned. “I take it, then, I’m not the only one who is bound to her?”
Master Flade lifted her off the bar, and set her in front of him. “No, Gray and I are also bonded to her. That’s why the trio is needed. But there is the question of your pack?”
“Yes, you have a question?” Master Flade released her nipple and ran his hands up her legs.
“Would you excuse me, I need to go to the restroom?” She held up her hands.
Dietrich reached over, and snapped the cuffs off. He nodded, and pointed her in the right direction. “We’ll be waiting here for you, and Blair, don’t take long.”
Blair laughed, and moved back out into the hallway heading towards the ladies lounge. So far everything seemed to be falling into place. She had made it there safely, word would be sent to the other houses warning them about her sisters’ arrivals, and she had three hot men who wanted her.
She pushed open the door to the lounge and stopped. A woman had her locker open, along with Marci’s, and was in the process of going through her things.
“Excuse me, but what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Blair ripped her bag out of the woman’s hands, throwing it back into the locker. Furious, Blair pushed the woman to the floor only to be tackled and brought down as well.
“You don’t deserve him, you stupid bitch.” the woman growled and swung to slug her, but Blair smiled. Her body hummed, as her magic slipped through her and around her, throwing the woman against the wall, where she stayed pinned.
Blair jumped up and started to collect all of her things that were now on the floor. The lounge door burst open, and Master Flade, Gray and Jax stepped into the room.
“What happened?” Master Flade stepped up to her.
Blair picked up her blouse, and glared at the shredded material. “Ask psycho over there? I came in her, and she was ripping through my locker. Look at this blouse. It’s ruined, and my youngest sister gave it to me.” She turned to the woman, her hand moving in silent command.
“No! You will not!” Master Flade grabbed her, and turned her around to face him. “Pull it back, now or I will.” He ordered.
She glared up at him, but pulled, and closed the door once again to her magic. “I do this because this is your home, but if she comes near me again, I won’t promise anything.”
The woman laughed. “You won’t survive past the week. They’re coming for you, and I can’t wait to watch them rip you apart.”
Blair turned once again to the woman, but Jax stepped in front of her. “Enough
Callie.” Jax glanced back at Flade. “I’ll take care of her, and meet you in the black moon room.
“Release her Blair.” His gaze held hers.
She didn’t say anything, as the woman fell to the floor. Jax picked her up and moved her out of the lounge. Blair scrunched her shirt into a ball and threw it into the garbage. She reached for the lock, which was in two pieces on the floor.
“Grab your things Blair, I’ll show you to our rooms. You can put them in there now.” Master Flade ordered and turned to Gray. “Others were bound to feel that power surge. Let them think it was me, for now.”
Blair followed Dietrich up a side staircase, through a long corridor, and turned left. He waved his hand, and the wall disappeared. Behind the wall was a series of halls and rooms. As he moved through them, he pointed out certain areas where rituals were to be performed.
“We have our own private wing; it contains everything you will need: a kitchen, family room, bathrooms, just like that of a house. No one is permitted in this wing, except you, Gray, and now Jax. Just family” He turned to the right, and once again waved his hand.
Dietrich stepped into a large foyer, and nodded towards a door on the right. “You can place your things in that one, which will be your own personal room. I will show you the master bedroom later tonight.”
The door opened on its own, as Blair stepped up to it. The walls of the suite were decorated in red roses, and so was the bed. It had a large walk-in closet to her left, and she had her own private bath to the right, but the roses would have to go.
She smiled. As her hands moved, the rose wallpaper disappeared and was replaced with oak paneling. The bed sheets and comforter were now designed with dragons and wolves, her favorite animal guides.
Dietrich stepped into the room and laughed. “I take it you didn’t like the roses?” Blair shrugged and threw her backpack and coat onto the bed.
“They’re fine if they’re real, but not for decorating a room, or at least not my room. I noticed once we entered your private wing that we were protected, so I used my magic. I hope you don’t mind.”
Blair frowned, just as her phone started to ring in her backpack. “No one’s supposed to be calling. Excuse me.” She reached into her bag, and frowned at Lizzie’s number.
She hopped onto the bed, and leaned against the headboard. “Baby sister,” she said, and he smiled, closing the door, giving her time.
“What’s up Lizzie? I just talked to you five hours ago.”
“I’m here at the sanctum, but I’ve locked myself in my room. Do you believe the master here is arranging a Triad tonight? I’m so pissed I could explode.” Her sister screamed into the phone.
“Wait, isn’t a Triad just some sex thing?” Blair glanced at the door, and waved her hand to seal it, preventing anyone from coming in.
“Open your book, and see what he says.” Lizzie snapped.
Blair reached into her backpack, and pulled out the tiny black book that fit into her palm. “Our books are female Lizzie. Open Xam.” The small book grew large, the new backing turned to old, and the black background changed to that of a dragon.
“Well mine isn’t, he informed me just a few minutes ago, when he told me what a Triad was.” Lizzie snarled.
“Xam, what is a Triad?” Blair watched as the book floated before her and unseen hands turned the pages until they reached the subject in question.
Her book spoke to her. “Your sister is quite right, her book is male, as I am, and a Triad is a magical ceremony where three men appoint themselves your protectors. When needed, they can pull your power, or increase it, using theirs. It’s more or less like that of submission, but in a magical form.”
“All these years, you’ve lead me to believe you were female. Why?” Blair gritted her teeth.
“Your mother and father thought it best that the females have male books to balance their decisions, while your brothers have female books. And there is nothing to worry about. Every female with has a Triad. Even your mother had one.”
“What? There never were three males around mother!” Blair snapped.
“Yes there were. You just don’t remember them. They w
eren’t bonded, or mated to her, like your father was, but she had two other warriors that protected her,” Xam, her book, spoke.
Blair gripped the phone tighter. “You know something Lizzie, if Mom and Dad were here right now, I’d kill them.”
“Ha, join the club! I’m not letting someone control my power, Blair. What if I was attacked? I would be useless.”
“Then don’t. It says here in the book that to perform the Triad, all three must mate with the witch at the same time. Well, that’s easy, just don’t have sex with all three men. Oh, Lizzie, I’m real sorry, but some bitch tore the blouse you made for me. Actually, she shredded it.”