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Running in Fear: New Beginnings Jubilee Page 9

  Glancing at the large bed, she shook her head. “Nope that will not do.”

  With a flick of her wrist, a large Cherry wood canopy bed replaced the old bed. “Now…” Lissa tried a black canopy, but it made the room too dark and she switched it to dark tan color to go with the rest of the furniture in the room. In the left corner of the room an old wooden hutch hugged the wall. Black magic marker notches lined the side of the wood.

  “You’re safe here.” Lissa ran her hand over one of the pieces of furniture she had saved from her home long ago. Lissa’s name was carved in the side of the wood by her father long ago. “I miss you, Daddy.”

  A warm body pressed up against her, Castor’s arms came around, hugging her. “Your father made that?”

  “Yes, where grandfather worked with watches, Dad worked with wood. This piece used to be in our family room. When I moved out, my dad gave it to me.” She turned in Castor’s arms and smiled up at him. “I hope you don’t mind if I change a few things.”

  He kissed her forehead. “No, it’s about time, but Nikola would like a word with you down stairs.”

  “Damn.” Lissa glanced around to see that Castor had transported them into a room she hadn’t seen before. Nikola stood in the room alone.

  “Thank you, Castor.” Castor nodded and disappeared from the room as Nikola stripped out of his shirt and threw it onto a chair. The room reminded her of a doctor’s office - sterile, blue tile floor, but on the walls hung…Lissa took a closer look and sucked in her breath.

  Floggers, paddles, cuffs; she was in a playroom. “Nikola?”

  “Come here, Lissa.” Nikola stood still staring at her, waiting.

  Nikola held her gaze as she stepped in front of him. “Do you know why you’re here?” He gripped her blouse and pulled it apart. Buttons went flying around the room, as he pushed it off her shoulders.

  “Yes Nikola, but Jaycee was so upset, she needed to see Dane. Then we saw that little boy and we couldn’t let him get hurt.” Lissa knew she was rambling, but she was nervous.

  “Take the rest of your clothes off Lissa and hop on the table.” Nikola nodded to the large padded table that was bolted to the floor on the other side of the room.

  Pushing down the skirt she wore, Lissa slipped off her shoes and stared at the table seeing the straps on the side and the holes positioned just right.

  “On your stomach, I want your breasts in the holes and your arms out at your sides.” Nikola moved to the side of the table and helped her up onto the table, then strapped her arms down.

  He separated her legs and strapped each one to the table. Nikola ran his hand up her leg and squeezed her butt cheek. “I’m very disappointed in you, Lissa. Once again you put yourself and our children at risk by not thinking. For this you have to be punished.”

  Adonis moved into the room carrying a tray that was covered. He moved behind the table, but she couldn’t even turn her head to see what he was doing. Nikola placed two fingers under her chin and sighed.

  “You will stay here until we come back. You will not be allowed to come.” Nikola nodded, slowly a well lubed toy cock pushed into her. “This machine will know when to stop and start again. Your magic will not work in this room. We love you Lissa, but we will not have you risk your life again.”

  Adonis and Nikola left the room as the machine pushed the dildo further into her. A small rubber clamp rubbed her clit at the same time the cock moved in and out of her. “Nikola please.” She whispered as she tried to move her hips away, but they had strapped her down good.

  “Well…It could…be worse.” She grunted and banged her head onto the table. “Damn!” Lissa whispered, her nails digging into the table. “Relax, just relax.”

  Closing her eyes, Lissa tried to concentrate on the changes she wanted to do to the house, but after five minutes, she was on the verge of her first orgasm when the machine stopped, releasing her clit at the same time. With a moan, and small beads of sweat starting to form, Lissa gritted her teeth.

  “I can do thisss!” She screamed when a swat came down on her ass, shocking her. Lissa turned, but no one was there. Yet, her ass tingled from the imaginary hand where it had spanked her.

  For the next half hour the machine and Nikola’s magic tortured her body. Her nipples were swollen from magical hands and clamps, sweat dripped down her body, and Lissa could take no more. “Please Nikola, I’m sorry.” She whispered, her throat raw from her screams, tears slipped onto the table.

  The door opened, but she didn’t move to look, her body was too tired and ready to explode. The machine was removed, and her straps undone, when Nikola picked her up, holding her in his arms.

  “Castor has a nice warm bath waiting for you. I have work to do.” He kissed her forehead and placed her shaking body into Castor’s arms.

  “When she is done with her bath make sure she eats something before she does anything, and Lissa there will be no touching yourself.” Nikola kissed her lips. “We are the only ones who give you pleasure.”

  Lissa moaned and buried her face into Castor’s chest. “Maybe next time you’ll think before you risk yourself and our children.” Nikola disappeared along with Adonis and Pierre.

  “He’s still furious with me, isn’t he?” Lissa’s voice was scratchy.

  “We all are, Lissa. You are our life, if you die, we all die, but mostly never have any of us been more terrified than Nikola.” Castor walked up the stairs instead of using magic. “I’ve never seen a man break down in less than two seconds after you left our world. Didn’t the separation affect you?”

  Castor set her down in the tub, and Lissa glanced up at him. “I don’t remember, I think Jaycee and I were just so shocked by all the destruction, we blocked everything out.” A single tear slipped down her cheek. “Is it all like that Castor? Are the places I used to call home all destroyed?”

  He sighed and kneeled down next to the large tub, grabbing the bottle of shampoo. “Turn around and let me wash your hair. Some of the bigger cities are destroyed. New York is pretty much totaled. Nikola’s men have found two of the homes you and your friend showed them. Over two hundred women have been released and are being healed as we speak. They have found four labs, but I’m afraid the news isn’t good there. Most of the families there have been killed, but tomorrow will be the big push in New York and Cleveland. We’ll hit both cities, dividing their forces. Now that Nikola knows that his father is the one planning the attacks, he believes he knows their next move.” Castor stopped, massaging her head. “You still haven’t answered my question. Didn’t you feel the separation from Nikola?”

  Lissa couldn’t lie to Castor, and she shook her head, as fat tears dripped down into the tub and her shoulders slumped. “No, and I didn’t before either. What if he’s not my companion, Castor? What if all of this was a mistake?” She cried and hated the weakness in her.

  “That’s the real reason you took Jaycee, isn’t it? You offered to take her?” Castor didn’t touch her, but waited and she nodded as she slid under the water, washing the shampoo out of hair, not wanting to face him.

  She came up out of the water and rubbed the water away from her now swollen eyes. Lissa opened her eyes to see Nikola kneeling at the tub’s edge, facing her, with Castor behind him.

  “Come here, Lissa?” Nikola held out his hand to her and she placed her trembling hand into his.

  He pulled her up and out of the tub. Nikola wrapped a large warm towel around her body. “Do you really believe you are not my companion?”

  Her lip shook and Lissa glanced down at the ground. “You are my world Nikola, but as far as feeling a separation when I left this place, there was nothing. It was as if I had nothing, no pain, but also no feelings.”

  “Look at me Lissa.” Nikola pulled her closer to his body as she gazed up at him. He smiled, kissing her nose. “What was the first thing that came to your mind when you were there?”

  She tried to remember back to both incidents, when it came to her. Each time the
first thing she had thought of or said was of Nikola. “It was of you and how upset you would be with me.”

  He cupped her ass cheeks and lifted her body up against his. “Do you really believe I would allow you to have any pain? Lissa what you felt was normal, the emptiness, wanting to be with me, those are all signs of our bond.”

  Nikola lowered his head down, his warm satin lips rubbed against hers as he traced his tongue along the inside of her lips until he moved slightly to the side pushing his tongue inside her. He wrapped is tongue around hers, rubbing and caressing it as he kneaded her butt cheeks.

  Slowly he pulled back and nipped her lip. “I wish I could continue this, but you are still being punished and I have much work to do. I love you Lissa, never forget that.” He slowly lowered her feet to the ground and released her as he disappeared from the room.

  Her favorite pair of black jeans and halter top covered her body as she glanced up at Castor. “Looks like you get stuck babysitting. Would you like to help me bring a few of my personal things here?”

  His large hand enclosed hers and Castor squeezed it. “I’m not babysitting, I’m spending some quality time with the woman of my heart and I would love to help you bring your things home.” Castor leaned down kissing her softly. “Come, why don’t we start with the family room. I have a feeling we’ll be spending most of our free time there anyway.”

  They both walked out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom. “Is there anything else you would like done in here?” Castor asked glancing around the room. “I think that canopy is still a little dark. How about this?”

  Lissa glanced up to see a bright pink canopy covering their oversized bed and she laughed. “Sorry, but that is hideous. I am so not a pink woman, but this might do.” In a flash the pink turned to a black and purple stripe. “Bet you didn’t know that purple was my favorite color?”

  He pulled her into his arms and nodded towards the bed. Matching comforter and pillows now covered the bed.

  Resting her head on his chest, she stared around the room. “I’d like it if it was only me, but there are five of us.” Once more the canopy and quilt changed. The canopy was now white with a trim of purple and black. The bed covers were a mixture of black, purple and white.

  She moved over to the corner cabinet and ran her hand over the old glass. “I used to have this filled with snowmen. I collected them when I was small. Each time one of my parents would go away on a trip, they would bring me one.”

  “Well, then let’s start your collection again, shall we? I believe this one was the one you loved the most?” Castor came up behind her and in his hand was a six inch purple snowman, which was An exact replica of the one her father had given to her when she had turned twelve.

  A lump formed in her throat and her hands shook as she took the small glass snowman, turning to face Castor. “Thank you.” She hugged the snowman to her chest and closed her eyes, remembering the moment she had received it from her father with Castor. “Now you too will remember that day, and you and my father will always be remembered together.” Lissa reached up and pulled him down, kissing his lips. “Thank you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Suzanne stood in the doorway sipping her tea, watching Samantha sleep. She didn’t have the heart to wake her just yet. She had gone through a major trauma and needed her sleep.

  “She is precious, Suzanne.” Tonya nudged her and glanced down at Samantha. “Anthony is downstairs helping Granger and Archer with the new arrivals coming in. Did you know there are over five thousand demons coming? From what Anthony said, Dominic couldn’t believe so many are willing to follow along with the Vampires.”

  Samantha slowly opened her eyes and smiled up at her, as she sat on the edge of the bed. “I figured there would be more, with mates. How are you feeling Samantha? You ready to go see Sam and Jaycee? Because I have it on good authority they are waiting for us. We even get to drive the new SUVs. It’s powered by the sun and perfect for this new world.”

  Tonya laughed and handed her a pair of jeans and a sweater for Samantha as the girl stood before her. “You are too silly, like Samantha is going to know anything about cars. Do you think we’ll have cars here on this world?”

  Tonya sat down on the bed while she helped dress Samantha. “I don’t know. I do know Dominic, Nikola and Remi contacted the people at Cadillac last month. They designed this vehicle especially for us. Nikola has had thirty of them brought over for us to get around. They have decided that there will be no automobiles that pollute the air and take gas. Everything here will be natural as was in the fae world. How do you think we have electricity?” she teased, as her best friend grabbed the brush.

  Samantha turned and glanced up at her. “Can we still play our games? Or play on the computer?”

  Suzanne frowned. “I don’t know, Samantha, we’ll have to find out later. I’m sure Jaycee has already found out since Sam is such a computer wiz. Who know maybe Leda also has something set up since she is using the computer to find things out.” She smiled and nodded. “Yep, if Leda is still using the computer, I’m sure there has to be some kind of connection, but we must be careful Samantha. We don’t know who controls what now, so until we know, you’ll have to stick with programs that are already on the computer. I don’t want you online till we know it’s safe.”

  “Are you three ready?” Granger asked from the doorway, grinning. “Don’t worry Samantha, I have it on good authority that Dominic and Nikola have control of this wide web thing.” Granger swung Samantha up in his arms, kissing her cheek. “If I’m not mistaken, I believe Dominic and Archer have a little laptop down on the table for you. He thought you would like to take it to visit Sam. He even has one built for Sam so the both of you can talk back and forth.”

  Samantha hugged Granger tight. “That is so cool. Let’s go!”

  Suzanne grabbed her now empty cup and followed Granger down the hallway, Tonya right next to her. “Damn that man has a fine ass.” Tonya whispered to her, and Suzanne laughed when Granger turned to her and grinned.

  “Thank you Tonya, and what do you think Suzanne?” He teased at the top of the stairs.

  She frowned and glanced up at the ceiling. “I don’t know Granger, if I remember correctly, Alex had the best Gluteus Maximus.” Suzanne nudged Tonya, who fanned herself.

  “Crap, I forgot about him, and you’re right he does have a nice a…” she covered her mouth quickly when Samantha glanced back at them, her nose all scrunched up.

  “Ewww that is gross,” she said, and Suzanne busted out laughing, but she had noticed Granger’s promise of retribution.

  “Come Samantha, let’s leave these silly women and get you ready for your trip.”

  Granger turned back to the stairs and descended them fast, as she and Tonya busted out laughing. “I swear I never seen him look shocked before. My god, Suzanne you are mean.”

  “Ha, that man knows he has a fine backside. Can’t let his head swell any more than it already is…” Suzanne grabbed onto the banister and glanced back at Tonya, to once more bust out laughing.

  “If you two are done carrying on like two teenagers, the car is warmed up and ready for you.” Anthony yelled at the bottom of the stairs.

  He wrapped his arm around the both of them as they stepped off the stairs. “You two do not need to be looking at any other men. You are both taken.” Anthony growled, moving them towards the door.

  She reached up and patted Anthony’s cheek. “My dear friend, all women, and I don’t care if they have been happily married for over fifty years, will glance at a man’s body, just as you check out a female when she enters the room.”

  “I, for one think any female of mine shouldn’t be looking at any male, and that I should be enough for her.” Anthony grumbled, and kissed Tonya’s head then hers.

  “Sweetheart, you are all the man I need, but it does not mean I can’t enjoy a good show. Now behave, you’re all going to meet us at Jaycee’s later, right?” Tonya stopped and kissed
his chest, while she made her way around to the driver’s door.

  Granger leaned inside the car, hooking Samantha up in the car seat. Suzanne smiled and ran her hand down his back to cup his ass cheek. He snarled and jumped, hitting his head on the roof of the car. “Suzanne!”

  “What? I just touching what is mine and admiring it?” She glanced up into Granger’s heated gaze. “I love you wild man, be careful.”

  He lifted her and put her on the hood of the SUV, placing both of his hands on her face. “You be careful driving.” Granger glanced around. “The road is not the best Suzanne, but you three should be fine. If you have any troubles, call us!” He kissed her hard and quick. “I love you Little Red, stay safe.”

  She glanced at Tonya and smiled as Suzanne closed the door and waved at Granger and Anthony as they drove down the dirt road. After ten miles of driving, the sense of dread came over her. “Why do I have a bad feeling about this trip?” She glanced at Tonya and she too nodded.

  “I’ve had the same feeling in my stomach for a while. Something is off.” Tonya glanced back at their mates. “Do you think we should tell them to come with us?”

  Your friend is right, I too feel as if something is wrong, but it’s not here with us. One of your friends is in danger. That’s all I know. Temmra stretched inside her. We need to fly Suzanne, if we are going to help her.

  Suzanne stopped the car, glancing at Tonya. “Take the car back. Tell Granger to follow me. I can’t even contact him this far away and Tonya, keep Samantha safe.” She hopped out of the car, after putting it in park.

  Bones crunched, muscles stretched as she shifted, glancing once more at her daughter who was pointing and laughing at her dragon form. “One day soon I’ll take you for a ride, but for now, I must go help someone.” Suzanne whispered to her daughter and took off into the red sky, heading towards Castor’s home. Lissa was in trouble.”