Bound by Witchcraft: Charmed by My Masters Page 8
Chapter Seven
Dietrich frowned and watched as Blair glanced around the large room. A fire burned brightly in the fireplace, Betsy sat cuddled up on the large overstuffed sofa with a new puppy at her feet. “Your family room is beautiful, it reminds me of home.”
She made her way over to the sofa and sat down next to Betsy. The pup growled at Betsy’s feet, but as soon as Jax leaned down, he snarled at it. He would have laughed if it weren’t for the sadness he saw in his wife’s eyes.
The large TV above the fireplace switched on to the cartoon Dora the Explorer, and Betsy clapped. “That is my favorite. How did you know?”
“I have my ways, but you need to eat.” Blair nodded to the tray in front of them as she reached and grabbed a pear, taking a bite.
“The cats are here, they are waiting downstairs in the main entranceway.” Dietrich nodded. “I think our wife misunderstood me earlier. I believe I will have to make sure she understands better later.” He glanced over at Gray and he nodded.
“We both will, but right now we have over twenty werecats downstairs and Jax’s pack is none to happy.” Gray nodded to Jax who waited for them at the door. “He wants to change her.”
Dietrich nodded. “He wants all of us to change.” He moved over to the couch, smiling.
His friend was stunned and stood where he left him, as he stood looking down at the two most important women of his life. “Both of you will stay here. I don’t want you leaving this room. Blair, we have three guards waiting outside the door.”
She nodded, and met his gaze. “Be careful. I thought Betsy and I could go through my things from the apartment, if they came?”
Dietrich nodded. “Your belongings are here, but I’m afraid they are downstairs and right now I don’t want you anywhere down there.”
“Fine, we’ll just sit here like good little girls and not do a damn thing.” Blair crunched down on her pear and glared at him. His daughter gasped and stared at her. “Sorry Betsy, didn’t mean to say that in front of you.” Blair sat up and smiled. “I have a better idea.”
The smell of lavender filled the air and before Dietrich knew what was happening, several boxes appeared in the room. “Blessed be, Brother Wayne!” Blair squealed and jumped over the coffee table to one of the boxes. She was so excited that she forgot about her injuries and tumbled to her knees grunting. “Why is this taking so long?” She gasped and banged her hand on the ground as she kneeled down next to her.
“Come here, let me see what you’ve done.” Dietrich reached for her, but she slapped his hands away.
“I’m fine. Go to your meeting. I just need a few minutes.” Blair refused to look at him, but he was not about to allow it. He wrapped her hair around his hand and pulled her head back.
“Don’t ever turn away from me, Blair. If you’re hurt, I expect you to tell me. Is that understood?”
Tears filled her eyes. “I just skinned my knees and forgot about my ribs. Just took the breath out of me, Dietrich. Really, I’m fine.”
He leaned down and kissed each eye. “I know you’re still in pain. I can see it in your eyes, but I’ll let it go for now. No more jumping around. So what is this all about?” Dietrich kissed her lips softly and nodded to the box.
In an instant she smiled and ran her hand over the box, when he released her hair. “These were my mom’s. Each of us girls took a few things from the house that belonged to our parents. I had my brother Wayne hold these, so when I was ready for them they would appear.” She opened the first box and took out a fragile old teapot.
She turned and glanced at Betsy, as she placed the teapot on the table. “This was my mom’s. She and I had a standing date every week, where we would sit and talk about our week, while sipping our tea. No one else was allowed to use this tea set, but us. How would you feel about doing the same thing?” Blair asked Betsy as she pulled out the two cups that matched the teapot.
His daughter’s eyes got large and she slid to the floor, staring at the teapot. “Really? We can have a tea party every week?”
Dietrich stood, but leaned down taking Blair’s lips in a hard and heated kiss. “Thank you.” He turned before she could see the tears that now formed in his eyes. Jax and Gray said nothing as they moved down the hall and toward the large gathering of men in the hall below.
He flexed his shoulders and neck. “How many inside and out? Is the Alpha here also?” He turned to Gray who shook his head.
“No. As far as we can tell the Alpha is not here. We have the top twenty ranking males downstairs, there are a total of fifty outside waiting. They were not happy to be separated, but understood.” Gray pushed open the door to the main lobby and at once he could feel the tension in the air.
“Jax?” Dietrich glanced at him and he was already moving his pack around him, all the while keeping a close watch on the cats.
Three men stepped forward with Dank. “Dietrich Flade, may I introduce Tabor Green, Gabe Trank, and Cain Butterfields. Gentlemen Dietrich Flade and Gray Strongwolf.”
He reached out and shook Tabor’s hand, and as soon as they touched, a magical spell fell over them.
Tabor hissed and pulled his hand back. “What was that?”
Dietrich turned and stared upward and the stairs from where they had just come. His attention was drawn back when the three men partially shifted in front of him. “Gentlemen be calm. It seems our wife has just protected us, and all of you, with a spell. I don’t know what’s going on, but I intend to find out.” He glanced at Gray, who nodded.
Jax and his right hand man moved up to him. “I have a feeling…” Dietrich watched as men around him dropped to the floor, his men, their men, all grabbing at their throats. The only ones left standing were the seven whom Blair had spelled. What have you done Blair!
* * * *
Blair pulled out five more cups and smiled at Betsy. “Betsy, I’m afraid our tea party is going to get a little bigger. I need your help Betsy. Tracy and Bethany, I need you too.” At once both woman appeared in the room and gasped.
“What’s wrong?” both of them stared at her.
“Tracy, get the guards in here now, and then I need all of you to sit around here. Quickly, we don’t have much time and I’m weak already.” Blair whispered words, and water filled the cups she had placed around the table.
“He’s here, isn’t he?” Betsy’s voice broke her concentration and Blair met her gaze as all five of them sat down around her.
“Yes Betsy, the man that made you sick is here. He won’t be allowed up here, but he will try. And when he tries, he’s going to release a spell that I won’t be able to protect everyone from. That is where I will need your help. Each of you has a cup filled with a potion.” She turned to the guards.
“You three know who surrounds and protects this place, right? Each of you take a side and mention a guard’s name while taking a sip and that man will be protected. Do this until the whole guard is protected outside, then work inside. We have to protect our outside first, which is where they will hit us, thinking that we have been rendered useless. When you speak their name, they will be protected against the black fog that comes. It won’t kill, but it will knock everyone out.”
The guards each nodded and proceeded to do as she asked. “When you are done outside, try and start with the guards inside.” She turned to Betsy. “Betsy, you do all the children you can remember. Say each name and visualize what they look like.”
Betsy started at once and glanced at the two women at her side.
“Please ladies, I could use anyone who can help against the attack first. I won’t be able to heal everyone quickly enough if we don’t get this done,” Blair explained, as she took a sip, saying Dietrich’s name and the one who shook his hand. Next came Gray and the man he was talking with. Jax, his second and the third man…
She jumped as soon as she heard the scream that filled the air. Betsy dropped her cup and it shattered. She waved her hand and the cup was fixed, with more tea insid
e it. “It’s okay Betsy. He just reached the shield I had put up.” She smiled and nodded to her drink. “He didn’t like the surprise I left for him.” Her magic filled the room, Bethany and Tracy’s husbands now stood behind them. They each nodded to her and moved to protect them while they continued with the litany of names, until she knew it was too late to do anymore.
“You can stop now. You can’t help any others. His spell has passed through the outside.” She glanced at the guards. “Did you finish the guards outside?”
“Yes, and we started inside, but we didn’t reach half of the men that were inside.” The guard moved with the other three guards, and helped her to stand.
“Tracy, Bethany, I need you and your husbands to stay here and protect Betsy. I have to heal those I can so that we are not totally defenseless. Do not leave the private area. You’ll be safe here.”
She turned to leave when Betsy’s hand tugged on hers. Tears fell down her cheeks. “Is Daddy okay?”
Blair smiled and nodded. “Of course, I protected him first. Now go on, I’m going to have the children that are still up brought up here where they’ll be safe.”
Tracy stepped up to her and hugged her tight. “I know you are weak and in pain, but yet you don’t stop. I’m proud to have you as a daughter, thank you.” She stepped back as Bethany hugged her.
“Be careful Blair.” Bethany stared at the men that surrounded Blair. “You protect her, because if she dies, you do.”
She smiled and patted Bethany’s arm. “We’ll be fine.” Blair moved out of her arms and out the door. She took a deep breath as they made their way through the near hallways. There they found four men, three women and two children on the ground. With one touch and a few words they each woke. The women and children moved up to the personal housing which was now safe, while the men surrounded her, adding to her guard as they went.
Coming to the doors to the main lobby, she jumped when they flew open and Dietrich stood there. He was furious. “What the hell did you do to my men?’
One of the guards, Bo, stepped in front of her, blocking her view. Her body shook, weak from healing, but her heart hurt worse. Ignoring all of them, she moved into the room going towards Jax’s pack.
Each man she touched, Blair repeated the ritual. They woke instantly, shifting to their beast. Each time she would have to jump back, afraid they would attack her. She touched the last man from Jax’s pack, saying the words. She faltered for a minute when large warm arms wrapped around her. It was Jax.
“I’ve got you.” Blair nodded and finished with his men, turning to the cat group.
She glanced up at one man, Gabe Trank. “I can heal them, but when they awaken, they will be ready attack. Can you please make sure they don’t come after me?”
“Why would you heal my own men, when you did this?” the man hissed.
Blair sighed. “Sir, I had nothing to do with this. Can’t any of you smell the black magic? Or are you all so focused on accusing me, when all I’m trying to do is help you?”
The three cat men smelled the air and snarled. “Forgive me, please. I will be forever in your debt, we all will.” He bowed to her and moved next to her.
Jax snarled and she glared up at him. “Not a fucking word…The three of you are officially on my shit list. If you are not careful, you will be that snake my sister promised to turn you into.” Blair stomped over to the first man, saying the words, and jumping back as Gabe moved in front of her, protecting her.
For the next half hour she moved around the main room, healing all she could, before she moved outside. When Blair came to a small woman outside the grounds, she realized that this one wasn’t a wolf or a cat, but a witch, like herself. Kneeling down beside the woman, she turned her over and placed her head on her lap and gasped.
“Aimee, how, why?” She whispered the spell, tears spilled down her face as she watched Aimee open her eyes and smile up at her.
“I thought you were dead. How?” She hugged her when Aimee sat up crying.
“Hell, I thought I was dead too, but somehow I got away from him.” She pulled back and stared at her. “Jacob isn’t finished with you mom, I had to warn you. He knows about the Triad and he’s furious. That’s how I got away. He went into a rage forgetting about me just for a minute. I had saved all my magic as you taught me and was able to slip away.”
Blair stood and held out her hand. “Come walk with me, while I wake the others. I don’t think I want to let you out of my sight, right now.” She squeezed Aimee’s hand, the orphan she had taken in as a child.
Fresh tears filled her eyes as she hugged Aimee again. “You shouldn’t have done it Aimee, the thought of you in that man’s hands.” Slowly Blair pulled back. “You’re a vampire now, aren’t you?”
Aimee’s lip trembled and fat tears of blood dropped to the ground. “That was the first thing he did, so I could withstand his…”
“Shhhh.” Blair said and started to hug her again when Gray pulled her away from Aimee, performing a spell.
“NO!” Blair threw her magic out and blasted Gray, sending him backwards. Everyone around her stopped doing what they were doing and stared at her.
Her magic surrounded Aimee and protected her as Blair waited for another attack. “If one of you attacks her, I won’t hesitate to kill you.” She glanced to Gray, who slowly got up. “You are my partner, but if you harm one hair on my daughter, I will leave this place.”
Gasps and snarls surrounded her as Dietrich moved around her and Aimee. “What do you mean “your daughter”? She is no blood to you and she is a vampire.” Dietrich stopped in front of her.
“Bravo wise man.” Blair sneered. “I found Aimee at the age of three. I raised her with my sisters and brothers. She sacrificed herself to help me slip away from Jacob.” Blair was furious. She knew her hair was now flying all around her. Every ounce of her power was now visible to all those around her.
“Mom, please. I can leave.” Aimee placed her hand on her arm and at once Blair pulled a small bit of her magic back while she turned and stared at Aimee, shaking her head.
“No, you won’t go anywhere. You will live here, with me and if you are not welcome, we’ll go back. Some how, we’ll find a way to protect ourselves, but I will not allow you to leave me again.” Blair brushed the brown hair back away from Aimee’s face noticing the small scar on her forehead. “I’ll kill him for hurting you.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but can you please heal the rest of my men.” Dietrich asked, not saying anything else.
Together Blair and Aimee healed the rest of the men, women, and children. By the time they were done, both of them were exhausted. She smiled at Aimee. “You have been practicing. I’m impressed, but you need to feed, don’t you?”
Aimee sighed and slumped in the chair in the main hallway. “I’ll be fine.”
Blair stood and held out her hand. “Come, let’s have some privacy. Dietrich’s office is around the corner.”
She waited as Aimee stood and swayed a little. Blair rushed to her side. “How long have you gone without?”
Once more tears slid down Aimee’s face. “I won’t risk anyone, Mom.” Aimee tried to pull away, but Blair held her.
“So you haven’t fed in how long? I won’t ask again Aimee.” Blair snapped.
“A few days, okay.” Aimee yanked herself out of Blair’s arms and ran smack into Tison’s broad chest.
Blair smiled. “Tison, it’s great to see you. May I introduce you to my daughter, Aimee? Aimee, this is Tison McGrey, he is one of the men who helped me get here.”
“May I offer some assistance?” He held up a bottle that looked like it was filled with wine. He laughed at her. “We keep bottles of blood in case we have vampires here. Yes, there are some that are friends that come here. Many of the men donate their blood to keep it fresh.”
Blair laughed and reached to hug Tison, but Jax pulled her back into his body, surprising him. “There is no need to hug him.” Jax grumbled and tried
to kiss her cheek, but she pulled out of his arms.
“Don’t. Right now I don’t want any of you to touch me.” She turned and watched Aimee follow Tison into the bar,. She followed at a slower pace, giving her daughter time. Even though Aimee was twenty six, she would always be her baby, just as Lizzie and Tony were.
She sat down at an empty table; a woman came over and smiled down at her. “What would you like to drink? You have done so much for all of us. Please let me get you something. My name is Mary.”
Blair smiled. “Thank you Mary. I would love a glass of iced tea please.”
Mary nodded. “The cooks wanted to know what you would like. It’s past lunch time, but they want you to eat something.”
“How about a BLT with some fries.” Blair stiffened as all three of her partners pulled out chairs and sat down at the table with her. Mary glanced at them and each one shook their heads waiting for her to leave.