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Running in Fear: New Beginnings Jubilee Page 6

  “No, daughter, you stay. I know where she is, I’ll go. I do suggest that maybe the five of you take a fly over the new lands. We’re going to need maps of the new lands in order to set up new homes.”

  His mate snorted. “Like I’m your daughter, please. Hell, Lissa is younger than me.”

  He grinned as he stared at Suzanne, remembering this morning. Oh yes, his mate learned it wasn’t too wise to tease a man about his age. Dominic reached down and adjusted his pants, his cock once more growing hard at the thought of her cute round red butt.

  “Dominic!” He turned to see Goddess Empusa shake her head. “There is time for that later, right now I need your concentration on this.” At once the table became a living map.

  Mountains grew, rivers, oceans, and valleys were all represented. Everyone moved around the table as they watched the land masses grow. “As you can see, your realm is growing every day. Right now, it’s twice the size of this realm and fast approaching to becoming a planet itself, which is a possibility that each of you must consider. If this happens, you will also have to consider other species’ coming to visit and how to deal with them.” Empusa moved to one side of the table and pointed to a large ridge. “It might already be starting. What do you think Gaia? You witnessed Earth’s birth.”

  Gaia frowned, moving to the side of the table and nodded her head. “This makes more sense. In a realm the others could easily slip in and out. Ever since the attack two days ago it has been changing. Look here, you can see how she is starting to form her own space. Now all we have to do is figure out where this new world is going to be? It’s obvious it won’t share Earth’s orbit by the color of its sky and trees.”

  Dominic leaned on the edge of the table map and stared at both women. “All of this is great, but we need to know how long we have before this realm or whatever is destroyed? We have over…” he glanced at Queen Isabel. “How many are here?”

  Her swollen red eyes met his. “We have over three hundred thousand, of course, that is if the new planet accepts us.”

  Dominic glanced at Remi, and he shook his head. “They really have three choices, Isabel: take the chance and come over to the new land, stay and die in this realm, or take their chances on Earth.” Dominic straightened and turned towards his Goddess, who held up her hand, stopping his question.

  “No, there is only the one realm and that was formed because Isabel is our sister. She wanted a place where her kind could relax, a place to call their own. Also, I believe the coronation should wait until everyone is where they should be. There is no time for a grand celebration. You could do it perhaps at your Christmas celebration, a new beginning.”

  Gaia put her hand onto Isabel’s shoulder. “I think it’s time for you and your mate to come home, Isabel. You’ve done all you can here.”

  Isabel nodded and stood, but not before she closed her eyes and sent out her last message to everyone in her kingdom, even those in the room with her.

  It is with great sorrow I call to all of you, one last time. We have no choice now, our life as we know it is changing. King Nikola is now in power. He, Dominic Hazelfield and Remi LeBlathe will help all of you make the move to this new beautiful world. For those of you who wish to go to Earth, go, but stay safe. I have tried to guide you as best as I know how, may your lives be filled with peace and love.

  Dominic listened to the queen’s message with a heavy heart. So many lives rested on their shoulders, not only the fae would be sharing their new home. He stretched and glanced at Suzanne, who sat next to Jaycee, holding one of the triplets in her arms. “Soon you’ll hold our babies in your arms.”

  He whispered to her as Suzanne lifted her gaze to meet his. She smiled. “Don’t think I don’t know you are worried about the others coming over. When do you leave to bring them here?”

  The map before them grew larger and Dominic moved around the corner of the table. “Blair, I know your brothers and your family just came over, but can the three of you fly over to this area here?” Dominic pointed to a large mountain range that was far enough from everyone.

  “There is no need to fly there. We can take you there. Are you thinking of giving this land to some of your followers?” Nikola appeared next to him, Lissa at his side holding onto him.

  “You should be in bed?” Dominic glanced at Lissa, who shook her head.

  “He isn’t about to rest with so much to do.” Lissa cuddled closer to him. “Thank you for doing what you did, Dominic.”

  Nodding, he pointed to the mountains. “I believe that would be a perfect place for the few demons’ that want to come here.”

  “The ones that saved me?” Lissa asked and he nodded.

  “There are about two thousand that are waiting. I figure if we can bring them here, they can also help with getting your people settled since there are so many.” Dominic pointed to where Castor’s home was on the map. “Are you going to use Castor’s home as the new Palace?”

  Shaking his head, Nikola moved to the center of the table and pointed to a spot about fifty miles away near one of the new oceans. “If it’s okay with the rest of you, I thought this would be perfect. It has the mountains for our people, but also the warmer climate for those who choose it.” Nikola glanced around the palace, then at Queen Isabel.

  “This place is wonderful and it’s part of our history, but I don’t see it having a place in our new world. I believe we need a common place for all of us, Dominic. Some place we can all come together. I’ve been thinking about this.” A large pointing stick appeared in his hand and he pointed to a large open area in the middle of everything.

  “This area here seems to be the center point of the whole planet. We have the warm waters all around it, but a strip of land that connects it to the main land. From what I gather, there is about two hundred acres here. Why not build a place where all of us can meet and discuss business? We could have offices here, so it keeps the business part of our lives away from our family life.”

  Remi and Clayton moved around the table and nodded. “I like that idea, Nikola. Too many times the council would interfere in our lives. This would be perfect. We can still get there when we need to, and it’s far enough from our homes that it wouldn’t interfere.” Remi glanced at him. “What do you think? Will your people agree with this? Having one place where we can come together and discuss issues? You and Nikola will have more people here then we will.”

  The smell of orange drifted to him and he glanced down at Suzanne, who stood next to him with little Marcia in her arms. “I think this would be a wonderful idea, Dominic. I know only one of the other kings are coming over, but he already has given up his position to you.” She nodded to Leda and he grinned as Nikola’s man Tor and King Jarred talked, while at the same time they watched every move Leda took. Yep, it looked like they had another mated pair for their new world.

  Jarred glanced up to him and smiled. “Relax old man, I know who is in control.” He bowed his head and Dominic groaned.

  “We’ll see, and this old man can wipe your butt anytime. Yes, I agree. We’ll use the island as our home base. I believe it should be formed as an octagon. That way we can also have our separate offices in it too.”

  “There is enough space on the island so we can have great gatherings. I was thinking at least once a year. I know some won’t be able to make it, but I would like that day to be on Christmas. I want something from our old world here. We don’t have to call it Christmas. Matter fact, the women and I believe it should be called, New Beginnings Jubilee.” Jaycee stood next to Suzanne, holding the two boys.

  “We need a day to remember what was and how we don’t want this war to happen again;, but we also need a day for hope.” Suzanne twined her hand into his. “This is important, Dominic. Everyone has had their lives torn apart. Let’s have a day were we can just relax and count our blessings. On this day, the only gifts to be given will be those that are made with our own two hands, no magic. Food of all kinds will be made so we don’t leave out
any heritage, there will be more, but we wanted to let you know.”

  Dominic snorted. “There’s always more with you.” He leaned down and kissed her head. “How long do we have before we can’t fly to Earth and the planet moves away?” Dominic turned and stared at Gaia and Empusa.

  Gaia moved around the map and watched as more and more land forms were being developed, the table grew larger and larger. “From the progress I see here…” She nodded to the table. “You have about the same time this realm has to move into the new world, seven days.”

  All three of them nodded as they studied the map and sighed. “I’ll get my men over here today.”

  Nikola nodded. “I have over four hundred men already in this area building homes, Tor has fifty of his men up in the mountains working on their new dwellings, but I’ve already sent a warning to them. There will be no more warnings; if one thing happens then they are gone from this world. I also plan to visit up there later today to get things moving since this is our biggest area of concern.”

  “Then let’s move, we have much work to do. There is one good thing about this phase in the building of this new world.” Dominic glanced down at Suzanne. “For now our women are safe here.”

  All three men nodded as Queen Isabel and her mate disappeared from the room with Gaia and Empusa. Who knows if they would see her again, she looked so beaten and tired.

  “That’s why it is best your duties are kept separate from our homes, Dominic. When you come home, you come home to me and, soon, our children.” Suzanne handed Marcia over to Dane as Remi took one of the boys out of Jaycee’s arms. All of them, once more going back to their homes, before they left to start the mass exodus to the new world and start their new life.

  Chapter Eight

  Jaycee laid Marcia in her crib and stared at her three little babies, each of them a miracle unto themselves. A single tear slipped down her cheek as Remi slid his arms around her from behind and hugged her.

  She leaned back against his chest. “They’re beautiful, aren’t they? I never thought I would have any children, but now I have three.” Jaycee turned in Remi’s arms and smiled up at him, her rock. “If it wasn’t for you three…”

  “Hush, don’t you think we feel the same? You have brought a peace to us all. Look at Mark have you seen the pictures he is doing? I’ve never seen him so calm and Dane is back at carving our history into the walls downstairs.” He swept her up into his arms and they made their way out of the nursery and downstairs where Dane and Mark waited.

  “Have we heard anything about Leda’s children? I’m really worried about them, Remi.”

  Dane shook his head. “Nikola might have a lead, but we’re not sure, that’s why he’s going up to the mountains tonight. Remi, and a few of us are going, as well. It’s a small lead, but we’ll see. We just don’t want to get Leda’s hopes up.” He kissed her lips when Remi lowered her to the ground.

  “Come, I’ve made lunch and you have to keep up your strength up with three little ones now.” Dane led her into their new dining room and she laughed. The table was filled with all different kinds of little sandwiches, potato salad, deviled eggs, and…she smelled the air and turned to Dane. “COFFEE!!”

  Remi, Mark and Dane busted out laughing. “You aren’t pregnant now, so I don’t see why you can’t have any. I got you favorite flavor too.”

  Mark handed her a cup of steaming hot chocolate mint coffee, with French vanilla creamer in it, as Remi pulled out a chair for her and she sat smelling the coffee. Jaycee closed her eyes and savored the moment. She knew her mates were laughing, but right now Jaycee didn’t care. They had given her a piece of heaven and she was bound and determined to enjoy it.

  Taking a small sip, she sighed, and opened her eyes. Remi shook his head and placed a plate in front of her. “Eat, you can have as much coffee as you want now, but you need food.”

  Eating and talking, Jaycee kept going over the holiday she wanted for everyone and seven days just kept popping up in her head. She jumped up and grabbed the pad of paper and pencil she had on the small desk bringing them back to the table. Her men frowned at her as she came back to the table.

  “What are you doing? You need to eat more” Mark put another two sandwiches onto her plate, along with some more potato salad.

  Rolling her eyes, Jaycee sat down, pushing her plate away from her. “I can still eat while I write. Do you know how Gaia kept saying we have seven days till the planet moves to its place in the universe?”

  Going over to the buffet table, Remi nodded. “Yes, I think all of us are counting the days.”

  Leda came into the room with Suzanne and her mates. Jaycee nodded to the table. “Eat, there is too much here for all of us anyway. Glad you two are here. You know how Hanukah is celebrated in eight days on Earth?”

  The women quickly filled their plates and gathered around her, while the men started to move into the other room. “Hey, aren’t you going to listen to my idea?” Jaycee pouted and stared up at Dane.

  He laughed, leaning down and kissing her. “Sweetheart, we know you will inform us tonight, but right now we need to discuss who is coming over first.” Dane glanced at Leda and smiled.

  That is when she knew they would also be discussing their trip to the mountains. Jaycee nodded and turned her attention to her new friends. “The next seven days every one of us will be working to bring who ever we can over to this new world. After these seven days, bringing anyone over will fall, on Nikola and his people. They will be the only ones able to go back and forth when the planets separate.

  We are starting a new world, a new year, so I thought we should have celebrated the first seven days of the year. Each day, we could celebrate something different. For example, I thought the first day we could celebrate the planet itself. Using only what the planet gives us, we make our food and create our gift for that day.”

  Grabbing her cup of coffee, Jaycee glanced at Leda and Suzanne. “Well, what do you think?”

  Taking a bit of her food, Suzanne nodded. “I like it, and it’s perfect. I think the second day should have something to do with the fae people. A celebration for Queen Isabel maybe, and all that she has done for her people. A day of celebrating the majesty of their old world. We could use items from their world to decorate a tree just for this day. With things from the Palace, we could have Lissa gather things that no one would even think of bringing with them.”

  Laughing, Jaycee grabbed her pen and started writing. “That is great and I love it, but the third day should be for your people, and the fourth can be for ours, with the last…” Jaycee didn’t get a word out when three strange men knocked on her dining room door.

  “Remi, now would be a great time to do that speed thing and get in here!” Jaycee knew what they were, but she wanted to know how they got here. It also looked as if she and Cecil would have to figure out a way to get over their fear of snakes, since it was now evident they this species would be sharing this planet.

  Slowly getting up, Suzanne pushed Leda behind them as Remi, Dominic, Dane and Blair came into the room with the other men behind them.

  “Well I guess that answers one question.” Remi glanced at her before he opened the door. “Are you going to be able to handle this?”

  “We have no choice now, do we? Let our new neighbors in, and let’s see what’s going on, but Clayton should be here.”

  “We’re here.” Clayton said, standing behind her with Cecil in his arms, her eyes big, as she held onto him.

  The three men moved into the room. The shorter one, stepped forward. “My name is Alex Breathen. This is my brother Mathew, and our father, Wren. We were told to come here to talk with you. Gaia, or Mother Nature, sent us. She said you would be able to help us.”

  Jaycee took a deep breath. “Remi, why don’t all of us go into the living room. There is more room there. We can bring in some fresh coffee, or if you prefer, we have tea too.”

  The older gentleman smiled. “Coffee please, I’m afraid we
are not big tea drinkers.” He glanced around, and nodded to Alex.

  “Our wives are here too, but we wanted to, well, make sure it was safe.” Alex nodded to outside where three women appeared at the door, shivering.

  “Damn, Remi open that door before they freeze out there. Don’t you have any coats or anything?” Jaycee asked, helping the women into the room.

  “No, one minute we were in the Florida everglades, and the next we were standing outside your house. Gaia had told us we would be coming, but we didn’t know when. Only a select few have been chosen to come,” The young blond said, glaring at the man known as Alex.

  Jaycee sighed and laughed. “I have a feeling we have much in common when it comes to our men trying to protect us.”

  The woman glanced at Remi, who now hovered behind her. “Yep, if that one is your mate, we sure do. It gets old fast, doesn’t it? My name is Anna, this is my sister-in –aw, Debra, and my mother-in-law, Therese.” Anna held out her hand which was shaking from cold and Cecil stepped forward, pushing a cup of warm coffee in her hand.

  “Drink first, you’re freezing. Then we can shake hands. Well, what are you waiting for Clayton, Remi? Take our guests into the living room. I’m sure there is a nice fire going in there to help heat these people up.” Cecil waved her hands.

  Remi grinned and kissed Jaycee’s nose before leaving. “Clayton, I didn’t know your mate was so bossy?” Her mate teased Cecil.

  Clayton glanced at Cecil. “She usually isn’t, but we’ll see how sassy she is when we get home.”

  Cecil laughed. “I can wait, now go on. We have lots to do!”

  * * * *

  Remi leaned against the wall and listened to Alex explain what had happened with his people, which were now divided just as his were.

  “Remi, believe me, we had no idea they were conducting those experiments! Hell, my father was in World War II. He knows what those kinds of experiments can do.” Alex sipped his coffee.