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The Heart's Dark Hunger Page 4

Sure, the nurse inside Lilly knew it wasn’t her fault. She’d been raped and taken by at least four of the Irons. But it still didn’t stop her from shaking and wanting to rip her skin off her body every time she thought of their rape. The first time was the worst. After that, Lilly had numbed to their groping. Silently crying while they took her body, she’d retreated inside herself.

  “Are you going to be able to break through the barrier, my Dark Warrior?” she whispered, curling up on the sofa watching as the townsfolk slowly came out of their houses. Peeking to see what was going on.

  But what was really freaky was that the bodies of dead Iron men seem to sink into the ground where they lay. That nothing, not even the blood that had once stained the streets was there. As if the Earth was getting rid of what was toxic to this world.

  “What the hell?” she whispered for the first time noticing that the blacktop was gone. There was no paved road coming into town. A dirt road was there now. Several women bent to where the road had been and ran their fingers over the ground.

  “Okay, Twilight Zone is in full force here,” she mumbled, returning her attention going to the property around her burnt-down house.

  “What?” She sat up straight as a van, truck, and a few other cars pulled into her drive over the lump that had once been the ravine. A tall, older man, rode up and seemed to be scanning the area, before he nodded, moving his horse closer to where the door to her underground hideout was.

  “I know you can hear me, child. You’re safe now. My warriors surround your home. You can come out, Lilly,” he yelled, as a woman climbed out of the van, carrying a tiny little bundle in her arms. Four men hovered around her, one seemed to be yelling, but she ignored him moving up to the old Native American man.

  “Is she here?” she asked.

  “She is, but will this Lilly have the courage to come out now?” the man almost challenged her.

  Lilly peered down at herself and sighed. She looked like shit, but there was nothing she could do about that. Throwing off her T-shirt, Lilly slid on the sun dress she had found’ among the things her father left for her. At the bottom of the stairs, she took a deep breath and reached over, flipping the lock mechanism.

  At first, Lilly didn’t know if it would work, but after a few groans and clicks, two of men who had surrounded the woman above opened the door and peeked inside her little safe haven.

  “Hello, I’m Stephan Lala. We’re not here to hurt you, but to help you. You sent an email to my niece, Kizzy.” He nodded to the woman with the child.

  Kizzy pushed the man out of her way and came down a few steps. “Wow, this place is amazing. Do you mind if I, well, we come in? I’m Running Wolf’s wife. The one who’s most likely i going to get her butt tanned for coming here. But I didn’t want you to be thrust into another bunch of bikers on your own. I know how scary that can be.”

  “Please. I’m afraid it’s not much.” She stepped aside as Kizzy moved the rest of the way down the stairs followed by the man who had been on the horse.

  “Yes, your father did a fine job here. By the way he is well, just needs a few more days with the doctors and you’ll have him by your side again. My name is Soaring Eagle.” He bowed his head.

  “He has a gift or two and knows things.” Kizzy tilted her head to the side. “You have a small one, too, don’t you, Lilly”

  Lilly shrugged and moved to fridge to get some water. She offered one to Kizzy.

  “No thank you, I have some in the van.”

  “You do know the leader of the Irons is still roaming around with the sheriff and two others, right?” Lilly watched their reaction.

  Kizzy smiled, sitting down on the sofa before putting her sleeping baby next to her. “It won’t matter. They can’t get through the warriors out there. Dark Horse and Running Wolf have ordered this place protected, knowing you were here somewhere.”

  Lilly pulled out a folding chair and nodded to the older man. “Please, sit.” She pointed to the other chairs as the two other males moved down the stairs to join them.

  “Lilly the man on the right is my older brother, Mason, and the other one my uncle, Stephan. Have you heard anything?” Kizzy rubbed her daughters back.

  “The town is clear, but still no sight of the sheriff or the president of the Irons. Running Wolf did manage to find a few of the deputies and have them locked in their own cell, waiting for his friend who should arrive here tomorrow or the next day.” Mason smiled at her. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Lilly. Kizzy has been really worried about you.”

  Kizzy shrugged. “I have a little talent from my mother. I knew you were important to us, to Dark Horse. Plus, no one should go through what you did.”

  Lilly knew that expression all too well. It was one she saw every day when she stared into the mirror. “It happened to you, too?”.

  Kizzy smiled, but it was a sad one. “Once, but it was enough, especially since it was with someone I thought was special.”

  A growl came from the stairs. “And when were you going to tell me about this?” Running Wolf pushed into the crowded room. “Why don’t we take this up top, it’s safe and you, you’re supposed to be at the hotel where I left you. His hair was wet and he wore different pants.

  Kizzy handed him the baby and pushed past him, holding out her hand. “Are you ready to face a new day?”

  Lilly looked up the stairs and saw him, standing there at the top. His hair was damp, too. He wore a pair of jeans, black boots, and nothing else, except the feather in his braid.

  “They are impressive when they want to be, but, Lilly, he’ll never hurt you if you give him a chance.” Kizzy hooked her arm with hers. “Ready?” she asked again, and all Lilly could do was nod.

  “Wait, do you have shoes? You can’t come out here barefoot.” The voice above sent a chill down her spine.

  She glanced around and found her sandals, slipping them on before moving to the bottom of the stairs with Kizzy. “Ready, I think.”

  Kizzy took her hand and they climbed to the top of the stairs. The night wind gently blew on her face, but tears flooded her eyes. It was even worse than seeing it on the monitors. Her family home was gone. Nothing but burnt wood, still hot in some spots.

  “It’s all gone,” she whispered, tears rolled down her cheeks, blurring her vision.

  “I’m sorry we didn’t get here soon enough, my Lilly.” Dark Horse scooped her up in his arms. “Those little sandals are not shoes, my woman, and I will not have you getting hurt again.”

  She stiffened in his arms, but he didn’t stop until they were past the debris where he lowered her feet to the ground and brushed the tears off her cheeks. “I really am sorry, Lilly.”

  “It’s not your fault, it’s theirs. Plus, you don’t even know me.” She backed up a step, but that was all he would allow her as his arm still was around her waist.

  “No, I don’t, but I aim to change that. I’m not leaving.” He reached up and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

  Chapter Four

  “Her tears water of the soul, but her smile the light of his.”

  Dark Horse, Enforcer of the White Buffalo MC

  Dark Horse couldn’t believe he was actually holding his Lilly, but what had his heart breaking were the tears rolling down her cheeks as she surveyed the total destruction of her family home. Seeing his woman’s tears was one of the worst feelings in the world, right up there with his mother’s death.

  “I’d like to take you back to the hotel we’re staying at till we can decide what we are going to do next,” he told her softly. “I’ll have my men pack up everything in that shelter for you.”

  She shrugged. “I really would like to go to the hospital and see my father.” Lilly’s voice was but a whisper.

  Dark Horse glanced at Kizzy’s uncle. “Do you know the way to the hospital?”

  “I’ll put it in the GPS. You can follow me,” Stephan stood close, scanning around them, always alert

  “Good.” Dark Horse turned, watching Running Wolf who place his little baby girl into her car seat. Anger was evident on his face, but Kizzy ignored him and came over to Lilly. “I’m at the hotel, too. We have a room right across from Dark Horse. If you need anything, I don’t care what time it is, you come and get me.” Lilly reached over and hugged Lilly tight. “You can get through this.”

  She nodded as Running Wolf came over. “You really should go with us to have that cut checked out. I think it’s deep enough to get stitches,” Lilly told him.

  “Not to worry. Our medic will heal me tonight. Go visit your father. We’ll see you both in the morning. Dark Horse, I’m leaving twenty of our men here to follow you two since we still haven’t found Fuzz or the sheriff. I don’t trust that bastard not to backtrack. He’s going to be furious that his men are either dead or locked up.”

  “Thank you. Are you ready?” Dark Horse said, and she nodded.

  He guided her to his bike, where he dug into his saddlebag, pulled out a small leather coat, and handed it to her. “I bought this for you a couple of days ago. I hope it fits. I knew you’d need a riding coat.”

  Lilly ran her hand over the soft leather. “You bought this for me?”

  “I have a few things I’ve picked up for you. I meant what I told you Lilly. There is something there, and I know it will take time for you to heal. But I have waited for this day.” He glanced up at the sky. “I’m not perfect. I have my dark side, but I always will tell you the truth, no matter how much it hurts. I only ask the same from you.”

  “Why didn’t anyone come help us?” Her red puffy eyes stared up at him. “We’ve been under attack here over a month, and not one person came in and helped us. Only you did.” She slid the coat on.

  “I don’t know why, Lilly.” Reaching over, he zipped the coat up. “Fate’s way for us to meet. But then it might have something to do with the sheriff and his deputies. We’ll figure it out, but for now try not to worry. I know it’s hard to trust us, but we really are here to help.” He kept the other half of their story to himself for now.

  He got onto his metal horse, waiting as Lilly climbed on behind him.

  “I know there’s more, but thank you for all of this, including the coat. It’s beautiful, but I have no way to pay you back Dark Horse. Hell, I don’t even know if I have my money in my back account anymore.” She wrapped her arms around him as he started his bike.

  “Hold on. Take these,” Running Wolf yelled, coming over and handing them two helmets.

  Dark Horse groaned, but knew it was best. Plus, he’d be able to talk to her as they rode. “Thank you. Didn’t even think of these.”

  “Don’t mention it. You’ll get used to them. Plus, you had no problem on the way here talking with us. Be careful, both of you.” Running Wolf turned, moving back to the van. Even though his outward appearance appeared normal, Dark Horse had seen the small twitch of his eye. Yes, Kizzy and he would be having a long, long chat after her ass was red.

  “Was something wrong with your friend?” She took the helmet and put it on.

  Dark Horse reached over and flipped on the microphone, removing his feather and tucking it in his coat before donning his helmet. “Kizzy never should have been here. She should have stayed at the hotel with their daughter where they would have been safe.”

  “I believe she was just trying to help me. You know, seeing another woman.”

  Dark Horse pulled out onto the road following Kizzy’s uncle. For some strange reason, the man had formed a kind of bond with him.

  Lily rested her head against his back. “I’m a registered nurse. I know all the signs of a women who has been raped, and so does Kizzy. She knew another female would help with the fear, and she was right. Even her little girl helped some, the innocent helping to sooth the one burned,” she told him, her voice almost on auto pilot.

  “This world is changing, Lilly. It’s going to be a more dangerous time. We’ll be reverting back to a lot of the old ways to survive. With this we expect, no I will demand, you listen for your own safety. I know this sounds barbaric, but I won’t lose you. Running Wolf lost Kizzy for a minute when her enemies attacked her. I will not allow that to happen to you now that I’ve found you.”

  What he wasn’t expecting was his woman’s laugh, a downright sexy one, too, which had his cock hardening in his jeans.

  “You are too much. First, we just met. Second, I haven’t even agreed to any of this between us, so you need pull in the reins, my Dark Warrior, because right now tonight I’m on the verge of busting down. And I sure don’t want that to happen in front of my father.”

  Dark Horse didn’t say anything, allowing his silence to be his answer, until they pulled into the hospital parking lot. He turned off his bike. At once, Lilly was off the bike and heading toward the hospital, but Dark Horse reached out and pulled her back into his arms, taking her helmet off. He placed it on her seat, turning his gaze on her.

  “I’m sorry my words were rough, but as I told you, I won’t lie. I know you can feel the connection, and I won’t call you on it right now. I agree you have been through a nightmare situation, and I’d give anything you hadn’t been. But that does not change the fact you are still in danger, my little flower.” He cupped her cheek. “Please, for my peace of mind, try and listen to what I say?” He glanced behind her and nodded to Stephan who waited for them. “Now we can go. It’s safe.”

  Lilly sighed. “It’s really not over, is it?”

  The fear and tears in her eyes broke his heart. Dark Horse took her hands into his. “My Lilly, I’m not perfect, and I know we’ll butt heads, but I’ve done this before. Please trust me to keep you safe. The rest, we’ll go slow.”

  “I can’t promise you anything.” She took a deep breath. “You know what hurt worst?” Lilly peered over her shoulder at him as he stood. “Knowing my father had to watch them take me and could do nothing.” Lilly gazed up at the hospital. “He already felt as if he didn’t do enough for my mother, when she was sick, but now…” Lilly shook her head and moved forward as he kept pace next to her, always scanning their surroundings, even when they moved into the hospital.

  “I can’t imagine having a daughter and watching that happen. But he is alive, and I bet right now his only concern is seeing his baby safe.” Dark Horse pushed the elevator button for them. Stephan had already found out what room her father was in.

  Lilly stepped into the empty elevator. “What floor do they have him on?”

  Stephan grunted and pushed the number eight button. “The cardiac floor. Your father had three stints put in yesterday but is in good condition otherwise. We will have a few men watching his room, along with the state police, since it’s obvious no one around here can trust your local department of police.”

  Dark Horse glanced at Stephan. “I take it Running Wolf contacted his friends with the Federal Bureau?”

  “Yes, and from what we found out, not only this city, but the next one over is corrupt as hell. Running Wolf has men watching them, thinking the sheriff will go there.”

  “How many men there?” Dark Horse didn’t like this news. It could mean trouble.

  “With the police force and a few men of the Irons who got away, I’m thinking at least twenty, but we’ll be ready.” Stephan stepped out onto the eighth floor when the door opened.

  Lilly went to move around him, but Dark Horse held onto her. “Always allow the guards to go first to make sure no one is waiting for you.” Dark Horse nodded to Stephan. “When he gives the okay, we follow.”

  “Are you telling me I’m going to have a guard on me?” Lilly glanced from Stephan to Dark Horse.

  Stephan smiled and shook his head as he moved down the corridor. Dark Horse sighed. “Yes, Lilly, there is more than you know going on here. I’ll explain after you get some rest and food in you. But for now, let’s go see your father.” Dark Horse guided her to the room.

  “Now you’ve
really got me curious.” Lilly stopped and took a deep breath as they stood there before her father’s door.

  Dark Horse rubbed her back. “Right now, just seeing you will help him.”

  She nodded and pushed open the door’. One of Running Wolf’s men sat guarding him. The others waited out in the hall.

  “Daddy,” Lilly cried and ran to her father, hugging him tight. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they just held each other, till her father lifted his head and stared straight at him.

  “So, you are the man who rescued my Lilly. The one who will keep her safe for the rough times coming our way?” Darvin, asked, his voice deep and strong for a man who just had a major heart attack.

  “I am.” Dark Horse moved into the room and held out his hand to Lilly’s father.

  Lilly held onto to her father but turned a little to watch as Dark Horse shook his hand. The way he was staring at Dark Horse had her squirming. “Daddy, when are they going to release you?”

  Instead of answering he asked his own question, sending a shiver up her spine. “How long do we have?”

  “It’s already started in some spots around the world. Our best guess, two, maybe three years,” Dark Horse answered.

  “Wait, what are you talking about?” Lilly looked at her father then back to Dark Horse.

  Her father arched a brow. “You haven’t explained things to her yet?”

  “Sir, we just met, and your daughter has been through an emotional and physical trauma. I’d like to give her some time before I load her down with everything going on around us.”

  “Um, excuse me. Anyone going to answer my question?” Lilly was getting a little pissed off.

  “Calm down, princess,” her father scolded. “I get to leave in two days if everything comes back okay with the tests. Now, where are you going to stay tonight? I take it the house is gone?”

  Lilly heard the pain in his voice. “I’m sorry, Daddy. There was nothing I could have done.” She got up and moved around his man, going to the window. “As soon as the ground opened up around the house, Fuzz…” She shivered and rubbed her hands up and down on her arms, but Dark Horse pushed her hands away, pulling her into his arms, his warmth.